Oleanus Decourean History Timeline

Decourean History

The notable events of the Decourean Empire.

Home Atoll

... 74 AG

Decourean travel is limited to their home islands of Big Island, Little Island and the Four Good Children.  Ships were sturdy wooden craft, unable to cross the Sea of Knives with out capsizing.  Weapons were made of stone, wood, and unsophisticated iron.

  • 1 AG

    Whirlpool Opens
    Geological / environmental event

    A great whirlpool opens between the Aphasian and Akakion seas, south-west of Decoure. Like caused by a seaquake, tremors are felt in Trypha, Alboin and north eastern Regartfael. There was also increased volcanic activity on Kimete and the Bad Child.

  • 1 AG

    32 AG

    Reign of Sanus of Allseas
    Political event

    As a whirlpool opens between the Aphasian and Akakion Seas, Sanus of Allseas is said to have witnessed the entrance of Decoure of Allseas into the world. By Decourean legend, Decoure herself crowned Sanus the first Emperor of Decoure.

  • 1 AG

    1 Ulios

    Opening of the Gate
    Religious event

    A whirlpool opened in the Aphasian Sea.   Decourean faith believes this is when Decoure of Allseas crowned the first Decourean Emperor, Sanus of Allsea

  • 32 AG

    74 AG

    Reign of Randolphus I
    Political event

    Imperial title passes to Randoplphus I upon the death of Sanus of Allseas

  • 74 AG

    24 Amios

    Crossing the Sea of Knives
    Discovery, Scientific

    During a time of of a blight on their fish, Decoureans are desperate.  While most people look to Emperor Randolphus I for relief, others take action for themselves.  After climbing the volcano of Big Island, Tornik the Shipwright prays to Decoure of Allseas, and is gifted plans for a new ship that is capable of crossing the Sea of Knives.

Voz Family Reign

1 AG 123 AG

  • 1 AG

    Whirlpool Opens
    Geological / environmental event

    A great whirlpool opens between the Aphasian and Akakion seas, south-west of Decoure. Like caused by a seaquake, tremors are felt in Trypha, Alboin and north eastern Regartfael. There was also increased volcanic activity on Kimete and the Bad Child.

  • 1 AG

    32 AG

    Reign of Sanus of Allseas
    Political event

    As a whirlpool opens between the Aphasian and Akakion Seas, Sanus of Allseas is said to have witnessed the entrance of Decoure of Allseas into the world. By Decourean legend, Decoure herself crowned Sanus the first Emperor of Decoure.

  • 1 AG

    1 Ulios

    Opening of the Gate
    Religious event

    A whirlpool opened in the Aphasian Sea.   Decourean faith believes this is when Decoure of Allseas crowned the first Decourean Emperor, Sanus of Allsea

  • 32 AG

    74 AG

    Reign of Randolphus I
    Political event

    Imperial title passes to Randoplphus I upon the death of Sanus of Allseas

  • 74 AG

    24 Amios

    Crossing the Sea of Knives
    Discovery, Scientific

    During a time of of a blight on their fish, Decoureans are desperate.  While most people look to Emperor Randolphus I for relief, others take action for themselves.  After climbing the volcano of Big Island, Tornik the Shipwright prays to Decoure of Allseas, and is gifted plans for a new ship that is capable of crossing the Sea of Knives.

  • 78 AG

    107 AG

    Reign of Tornik the Shipwright
    Political event

  • 107 AG

    123 AG

    Reign of Theophorus I
    Political event

  • 119 AG

    123 AG

    The Orvae Revolt
    Military action

    The Orvae clan challenges the Voz clan, starting a four year war for control of Decoure.

  • 123 AG

    144 AG

    Reign of Orvinik the Storm
    Political event

    As the Orvae clan succeeds in their rebellion, Orvinik takes reign of the Decourean Empire.

Orvae Family Reign

123 AG 204 AG

  • 123 AG

    144 AG

    Reign of Orvinik the Storm
    Political event

    As the Orvae clan succeeds in their rebellion, Orvinik takes reign of the Decourean Empire.

  • 144 AG

    204 AG

    Reign of Delos Wynch
    Political event

    Delos Wynch succeeds her father, and is crowned the first empress of Decoure.

  • 204 AG

    214 AG

    Decade of Chaos

    When Empress Delos Wynch dies, she leaves the empire with out an heir. With no immediate member of the Orvae Clan rising to secure power, the empire falls into an era of anarchy. Several clans attempt to muster a fleet to take the imperial throne during ten years of constant battles.

The Era of Expansion

150 AG 325 AG

As more ships capable of entering open water were built, the need for resources sent Decoureans into the world to explore and found colonies.

  • 204 AG

    214 AG

    Decade of Chaos

    When Empress Delos Wynch dies, she leaves the empire with out an heir. With no immediate member of the Orvae Clan rising to secure power, the empire falls into an era of anarchy. Several clans attempt to muster a fleet to take the imperial throne during ten years of constant battles.

  • 214 AG

    238 AG

    Reign of Pontheus
    Political event

    The Gaus clan brings the Decade of Chaos to an end, and ascend to the Imperial throne, crowning Pontheus as the next Imperial Admiral.

  • 231 AG

    Naval Clan Treaty
    Diplomatic action

    Emperor Pontheus the Drowned is forced by clan leaders to sign the Naval Clan Treaty,  suspending clan allegiances during active naval service.  Naval allegiance would be tied to the Imperial Admiral, not the emperor's clan, transferring with imperial power.

  • 238 AG

    289 AG

    Reign of Theophorus II
    Political event

    Upon the death of his uncle, Theophorus II ascends to the throne.

  • 248 AG

    The Founding of Theodoar

    The first major colony founded on land claimed by foreign country, Theodoar was founded by Theophorus II. Though the settlement was successful, due to access to timber, stone, and fertile farming land. Unfortunately, after clashes with Tryphian land forces, Decoure lost control of Theodoar, and would not see another colony on Trypha until the founding of the Martell Colony.

  • 275 AG

    Sailing of the Beltfall

    In an exploration of seas away from their home waters, Emperor Randolphus II entered Kingsbay of Regartfael, and was able to sail up Beltfall.  Though the fleet was small (only three ships), their presence at the Verdant Palace struck fear into Regartfaelians, souring already bad relations between the nations, permanently vilifying Decoureans in the eyes of Regartfaelians.

  • 289 AG

    343 AG

    Reign of Randolphus II
    Political event

    Continuing the reign of Gaus clan, Randolphus II takes the Imperial throne.

Decade of Chaos

202 AG 214 AG

  • 204 AG

    214 AG

    Decade of Chaos

    When Empress Delos Wynch dies, she leaves the empire with out an heir. With no immediate member of the Orvae Clan rising to secure power, the empire falls into an era of anarchy. Several clans attempt to muster a fleet to take the imperial throne during ten years of constant battles.

  • 214 AG

    238 AG

    Reign of Pontheus
    Political event

    The Gaus clan brings the Decade of Chaos to an end, and ascend to the Imperial throne, crowning Pontheus as the next Imperial Admiral.

Gaus Family Reign

214 AG 369 AG

  • 214 AG

    238 AG

    Reign of Pontheus
    Political event

    The Gaus clan brings the Decade of Chaos to an end, and ascend to the Imperial throne, crowning Pontheus as the next Imperial Admiral.

  • 231 AG

    Naval Clan Treaty
    Diplomatic action

    Emperor Pontheus the Drowned is forced by clan leaders to sign the Naval Clan Treaty,  suspending clan allegiances during active naval service.  Naval allegiance would be tied to the Imperial Admiral, not the emperor's clan, transferring with imperial power.

  • 238 AG

    289 AG

    Reign of Theophorus II
    Political event

    Upon the death of his uncle, Theophorus II ascends to the throne.

  • 248 AG

    The Founding of Theodoar

    The first major colony founded on land claimed by foreign country, Theodoar was founded by Theophorus II. Though the settlement was successful, due to access to timber, stone, and fertile farming land. Unfortunately, after clashes with Tryphian land forces, Decoure lost control of Theodoar, and would not see another colony on Trypha until the founding of the Martell Colony.

  • 275 AG

    Sailing of the Beltfall

    In an exploration of seas away from their home waters, Emperor Randolphus II entered Kingsbay of Regartfael, and was able to sail up Beltfall.  Though the fleet was small (only three ships), their presence at the Verdant Palace struck fear into Regartfaelians, souring already bad relations between the nations, permanently vilifying Decoureans in the eyes of Regartfaelians.

  • 289 AG

    343 AG

    Reign of Randolphus II
    Political event

    Continuing the reign of Gaus clan, Randolphus II takes the Imperial throne.

  • 343 AG

    369 AG

    Reign of Catlan the Stump
    Political event

    Legendarily stubborn Catlan the Stump takes the Imperial Admiralty.

  • 349 AG

    361 AG

    The Cardinal Revolts

    Political unrest inspired a series of rebellions against Gaus rule.  Voz clan attempted to regain rule after 226 years.  Though they had support of smaller clans, they surrendered after two years.  Two smaller clans, Broos and Palon, attempted to ally, however Catlan the Stump managed to convince each that the other was going to turn on them.  Both of these clans were completely wiped out.  However, the Gaus were not prepared for the Synae clan and the introduction of dragon ash.

  • 357 AG

    The Introduction of Dragon Ash
    Discovery, Scientific

    Upon exploration of the Yngvildr Archipelago, captains from the Synae clan meet the Yngvildr people and are introduced to Dragon Ash, an explosive powder able to create a great fire from the smallest of spark. This powder was enthusiastically adopted by the Synae and became a turning point in the Cardinal Revolts.

  • 369 AG

    406 AG

    Reign of Theophorus III
    Political event

    Due in great part to the adoption of Dragon Ash, Theophorus III leads the Synae clan out of the Cardinal Revolt and into imperial power.

Synae Family Reign

369 AG 460 AG

  • 369 AG

    406 AG

    Reign of Theophorus III
    Political event

    Due in great part to the adoption of Dragon Ash, Theophorus III leads the Synae clan out of the Cardinal Revolt and into imperial power.

  • 406 AG

    412 AG

    Reign of Orvinik II
    Political event

    The only son of Emperor Theophorus III, upon his death, the throne passes to his invalid son, Orvinik II.  Though named for the legendary hero-emperor Orvinik the Storm, little of his spirit was passed on to his namesake.

  • 412 AG

    428 AG

    Reign of Delian
    Political event

    When Orvinik II died without and heir, the title passed to his cousin, Delian son of Theophorus III's younger sister, Delsia.

  • 428 AG

    448 AG

    Reign of Tornae
    Political event

    Upon the death of her husband, Delian, Tornae seized Imperial power, becoming the second empress, and maintaining Synae control over Decoure.

  • 448 AG

    460 AG

    Reign of Sanae
    Political event

    Crowned at birth, Empress Sanae was the third female to hold the Imperial title, after her mother died in childbirth.  Though guided by competent advisors, her reign was short due to an illness she continued to fight her entire brief life.

  • 460 AG

    460 AG

    The Flash Fire Rebellion

    Upon the unexpected death of Child Empress Sanae, the Tolan clan saw a chance to seize imperial control. Having spent the later Synae era to refine dragon ash with additives found their own mining colonies and crafting more powerful and accurate firearms, the Tolan clan were able to wrest control with a fleet of ships and guns of their own. Critics of the Tolan clan attribute their victory to a disorganized navy, however that victory cannot be denied, and the Flash Fire Rebellion is named not only for the introduction of sophisticated guns, but it's quick resolution and low death toll.

  • 460 AG

    490 AG

    Reign of Lucmar
    Political event

    The first emperor of the Tolan clan, Lucmar used his years in power to consolidate Tolan control, put down minor rebellions, and reorganized the navy, outfitting all ships and sailors with superior Tolan weaponry.  Despite his attention to the military, Lucmar ensured that all trade routes continued to supply the colonies and home islands without interruption.

Tolan Family Reign

460 AG and beyond

  • 460 AG

    460 AG

    The Flash Fire Rebellion

    Upon the unexpected death of Child Empress Sanae, the Tolan clan saw a chance to seize imperial control. Having spent the later Synae era to refine dragon ash with additives found their own mining colonies and crafting more powerful and accurate firearms, the Tolan clan were able to wrest control with a fleet of ships and guns of their own. Critics of the Tolan clan attribute their victory to a disorganized navy, however that victory cannot be denied, and the Flash Fire Rebellion is named not only for the introduction of sophisticated guns, but it's quick resolution and low death toll.

  • 460 AG

    490 AG

    Reign of Lucmar
    Political event

    The first emperor of the Tolan clan, Lucmar used his years in power to consolidate Tolan control, put down minor rebellions, and reorganized the navy, outfitting all ships and sailors with superior Tolan weaponry.  Despite his attention to the military, Lucmar ensured that all trade routes continued to supply the colonies and home islands without interruption.

  • 490 AG

    462 AG

    Reign of Lonzar
    Political event

    At the age of 75, Emperor Lucmar dies in his bed, passing the imperial title to his grandson Lonzar in a signed document.  Emperor Lonzar follows in his grandfather's legacy of using the imperial treasury to improve the lives of his subjects, touring the colonies and taking petitions for improvements.

  • 550 AG

    606 AG

    Reign of Thedae
    Political event

    Once again following in Emperor Lucmar's legacy, Emperor Lonzar dies peacefully in his bed, signing the Decourean Empire to his granddaughter, Thedae.  The fourth female Imperial Admiral, Thedae continued and cemented the tradition of the Imperial Tour, visiting all Decourean colonies.  Though during her reign much attention was given to the procession of suitors, history has corrected it's focus on the stability Thedae brought to the empire.

  • 606 AG

    657 AG

    Reign of Deacae
    Political event

    The Tolan skip-generation inheritance continued as Empress Thedae passed the empire to her granddaughter, Empress Deacae.  Empress Deacae spent her youth before imperial ascension hunting pirates and garnered the reputation of an enforcer of imperial law.  The reputation carried over to her rule being seen as an Empress generous to the people and strict on criminals.

  • 657 AG

    687 AG

    Reign of Theopha
    Political event

    Empress Deacae, upon her death, passes the title to her granddaughter, Empress Theopha, making her the sixth Empress, and third Tolan Empress.  Inheriting a stable empire, she focuses her attention on protecting their colonies and ships and strengthening trade relations - primarily with the Audocavan Confederated Cities.  Empress Theopha breaks with all traditions, stepping down as empress at the age of 54 and passing power to her son Theophorus IV.  She is the first empress to abdicate of her own will.

  • 667 AG

    Founding of the Martell Colony

    Fleeing predjudice in Regartfael, Euka Martell and her husband Gera founded a small settlement on the northern shore of Trypha. Originally, this settlement was only headquarters to the fledgling Martell Shipping Company, and home to their staff. Over time the settlement grew with the Martell Shipping Company, as with immigrating Decoureans. The presence of the Martell security kept hostile Tryphian forces away, allowing for farming and timber harvesting.

  • 687 AG

    Reign of Theophorus IV
    Political event

    Taught the art of statecraft from childhood, Theophorus IV inherited the title of Imperial Admiral from his mother when she abdicated.  While Theophorus IV enjoys the guidance of his mother, many imperial advisors fear the young emperor is too brash for the the throne.