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The Known History of Omiralon

A timeline of events in Omiralon as compiled in a joint venture by the Academy, the Great Library in Shodan'Qi, and the Legacy Keepers in Amnethyr. c. 836 AO

Age of Wonders

5500 AoW 1 AoW

Another age of prosperity was ushered in after the sudden disappearance of the gods, dubbed the "Divine Council". The era was not without its strife, however, as the harnessing of the magical fabric of the world spurred ever more power to be wielded by mages, leading to both the expansion of culture and vicious territory wars.

"It was a dark time indeed, for those of my order, but a valuable one as well; it is within the Age of Wonders that the foundation of the study of magic sits. ~ Athalos Sedan, Archmagius of the Academy

  • 4522 AoW
    The Library of Cerinthus
    Disaster / Destruction

    The records of what cataclysmic conflict that created the Sandsea Desert have been lost to time, but the most significant event of the consequences is inarguably the loss of the Ancient Library, in which much of the arcane and historical texts of the time were stored. When the library sank into the sands, the continent of Omiralon's collective knowledge was set back at least a millennium. Ever since, adventures and mages alike have endeavored to find and reclaim the lost knowledge, seemingly to no avail.

  • 3062 AoW
    Great City of Shodan'Qi

    The best records of the area pinpoint the founding of the then settlement of Shodan'Qi to Camum, 3062 AoW, but there are conflicting reports for when the oldest human city was founded. Originally a crossroads in the fertile lands in the south where fishers, farmers, and craftsmen could gather to sell wares, the city has become one of the biggest hubs for trade in Omiralon.

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  • 2021 AoW > 2018 AoW
    The War of Thunder
    Military: War

    A Massive battle between Chromatic Dragons and Gemstone Dragons. Despite a valiant effort by the Gemstone dragons, the sheer number of the Chromatic dragons overwhelmed the Gemstone Dragons, pushing them near the brink of extinction. Scars of this titanic battle can still be seen on the mountains and plains of Omiralon, some 2000 years later.

  • 1064 AoW
    Eminent Sepulcher Completed
    Construction beginning/end

    After hundreds of years, the completion of the monument to the fallen heroes of Omiralon in the Mystic Sisters was the culmination of work of multiple clans of dwarves, honoring Hethuum, Aoqos, and Ahmei as the founders of the traveling hero career. Many adventurers have been added since, as a continuing memorial by the Guldar to remember the heroes of Omiralon.

  • 179 AoW - Present, AO
    The Elder War
    Military action

    A long-standing conflict between the Elves and the Dwarves over the territories bordering the Sea of Swords. Elves, particularly the Solihana, claim the land as their birthright for having settled it upon their creation by Qhiriles and Ciari, and the Jordar claim it was the land promised them as a haven by Hethuum after the schism with the Guldar. Despite a cooling of tensions in recent history and a lack of large-scale battle, the war has not officially been declared ended, and general animosity between individuals of the nations remains.

Age of Order

1 AO and beyond

With the limits of magic came the necessity for nations to find other methods of conquest. Politics and subversion rise as nations vie for territory within the ever-filling map.

  • 1 AO

    20 Jundum

    Coalition of The Academy
    Gathering / Conference

    Ushering in the Age of Order, the foundation and subsequent success of the Academy was a turning point in the trajectory of Omiralon's future. Following the loss of much of the continent's collected study in the Arcane with the destruction of Cerinthus, combined with the following struggle to regain mastery over Magic, the Academy sought to ritualize, uniformize, and catalog the study and practice of the Arcane arts.

  • 112 AO

    35 Camum

    Completion of the Tower of Tereos
    Construction beginning/end

    The completion of the Tower of Tereos, also known as The Arcanaeum, marked a significant move forward for the inhabitants of Omiralon and more specifically, the mages on the continent. The Tower was constructed to serve The Academy, functioning as a community center and educational facility for the mages of the region, but soon grew to be the center of magical study in the known world, effectively boosting Kion from a minor agricultural settlement to major port city status within a year.

  • 552 AO

    610 AO

    War of Tsulean
    Military action

    The war of Tsulean was a long, bloody war for both the Kaihana and the Lamorans. Generations of the Kaihana were decimated by the war, leaving their numbers low in the age of Order.

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