
Sitting on the Loi  side of the Loi / Villion border in Lokrea, sits Luminal. Luminal itself sits on the ruins of a much older village before it who's gnomish occupants eventually filtered away into the mountains when the The Lómelindi Treaty was signed.   Within a year it was infested with bandits, outlaws and other unsavory types. Nobody could deny it's advantageous location though, sitting on the border and also not far out of the direct path from the Era Peaks to the bay. It didn't take long for a few smart people to set up shop and make a hub for recently acquired coin from trading could be spent, or a pleasurable night halfway along the journey between the Era Peaks and the eastern coasts of Lokrea.   Insanely profitable and with Loi  already showing that it wasn't much of a concern to them while they were busy moving their capital to Iraebor during that time, Luminal exploded in popularity as a hub for whatever pleasures one could seek. no backing by a larger kingdom did come with natural consequences though. Whoever ran Luminal had the unfortunate risk of getting massacred and replaced every few weeks by a new group of outlaws.   This all stopped after a few years though when a clever gnome returned from the Era Peaks to her old home and saw it occupied. Surprised by the replacement as she was, she saw an opportunity as she strolled through town. Merrybrew Ale was sold more than any other product or service in Luminal, but if a supplier was ever present when 'new ownership' came into town, they usually ended up dead or at least unburdened of their stock.   The gnome, Nellie Flickerfoot, brought this to the attention of Clan Merrybrew, who she already has several connections with back in the mountains. All of a sudden, Nellie was in charge and when folks tried to unseat her, they were no longer met with an easy evening of bloodshed, but 30 well-armed dwarves stationed in the town at all times.   They don't interfere in town business at all and the only Merrybrew member that isn't a guard there is a single accountant in the back of the tavern that helped Nellie keep the books straight.   Nellie's had a comfortable life for almost 300 years since, keeping only informal law in place in Luminal, and Clan Merrybrew getting a steady split of coin every month from this party village, and people have a refuge during their travels.
Location under
Owning Organization


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