Prairie Clans Organization in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Prairie Clans

The Prairie Clans are the Orokhim clans that live on the prairies, plains, and steppes across Dreibach, primarily within the Dovrian Plains and Ossir Hills. Around 75% of orokhim are a member of one of the eleven clans that make up the confederation.   Between the seven Gruumsh-worshipping Orc tribes and the four Promethean Nuél-orokh tribes, relations between the individual clans are complex and often strained. Alliances, enmities, and detentes shift from decade to decade, particularly where territories overlap. The nuél-orokhim clans tend to be more friendly with each other, though tensions have sometimes arisen when they align with different outside geopolitical forces.

Public Agenda

The confederation of the Prairie Clans has been maintained throughout the years to mediate tensions between the clans to prevent prolonged, full-scale wars, though it has often been ineffective at stemming small- to medium-sized inter-clan conflicts. In particular, the nuél-orokhim minority on the Sovetsipnya has struggled to curb the violent agendas of the orokhim clans, leaving individual nuél-orokhim tribes to largely resort to protecting their own territory and its residents.   In recent years, the tribes' individual relationships with the Dreibach Empire have caused inter-clan tensions. The Swiftwater Legion was the only tribe to ally itself closely with the republicans in the Glorious Revolution, proving instrumental in taking the Dreibach River and eventually allowing the rebels to topple Val-Nurem. Other nuél-orokhim clans remained neutral, and the orokhim clans largely used the state of war and discord to prey on affected lands and benefit themselves.   In the years since the Republic has become the Empire, the Beacon of the Skylands has expressed concern about the regime's growing power, largely in line with its historical allies to the north, Erdelan. The Eastern Confederation, Volksconfedrat, Pack of the Black Claw, and most recently the Murder of the Mudbanks have all received known or suspected weapons shipments from the emperor's forces. The Confederation and the Volksconfedrat have taken it upon themselves to support the Dreibach Army's campaign against rebellious forces in Brightwater; in response, the Regiment of the Eastern Front has openly allied with the Commonwealth and proved invaluable in defending their borders.
Political, Confederation
Ruling Organization
Power Structure
Executive Body
The official council of the Prairie Clans, the Sovetsipnya, often calls for ceasefires between the members, though these are only temporarily effective, if that. However, there is a respected tradition of diplomacy between the clans. This diplomacy is facilitated by the exchange of sacred children called the Ariunokh, children between the ages of 5 and 9 who are traded between tribes and present for every diplomatic meeting to help elders understand the nuances between the cultures.
Official Languages
Related Traditions
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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