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Sita'rauta-el-Filia, also known as the Temple of the Six Metals, is one of the three main temples of the Aldanuvian Orders, dedicated to the Elvish element of calas. It sits at the edge of the high desert of Filia. Among its duties is the worship and protection of Astrydiâlos the Greatmother, the ancient brass dragon that protects their land.   The warriors of the Sita'rautaan Sentry are trained at and based in the temple. These warriors are dedicated to the protection of Astrydiâlos's home in Orofi-el-Astrânos, particularly when she is believed to be incubating the eggs of the Golden Guard.

Purpose / Function

Sita'rauta-el-Filia is dedicated to the worship of gods that it considers facets of the six essential metals: brass (Brigid), bronze (Tywr), copper (Horus, gold (Bahamut), silver (Morigana), and steel (Hephaestus). It venerates elder metallic dragons as divines.   All temples of the Aldanuvian Orders have a duty to serve as places of refuge, but Sita'rauta is notable among them for the extent of its orphanage. Trainee warriors seeking a position with the Sentry are first sorted into patrols dedicated to tracking down abandoned, neglected, and abused children among the villages of central Filia and the wandering tribes of the high desert. These children, along with any that are surrendered directly to the temple, live in dedicated dormitories under the care of the order's nuns. Here, they are educated and cared for until a suitable family volunteers to adopt them. Since the discovery of steel dragons, rumors have arisen that the steel dragons incubated by Astrydiâlos likely begin their first mortal life in the care of the Sita'rautaan nuns. Neither the temple nor any of its members have ever commented on this rumor; prospective parents who ask too many questions about it are refused adoptions.


Sita'rauta-el-Filia is built in the typical layout of Kala'adrin holy architecture, with a sprawling complex of various towers whose height denotes their god's relative importance. The six towers of the essential metals are all much shorter than the towering central temple, which is a monument to the veneration of all metallic dragons. For unknown reasons, the towers have slowly accumulated a light, even sheen of metal that fades between colors depending on unknown factors. Shrines, rectories, bell houses, meditation cells, study rooms, housing, and other necessary buildings are scattered around the main towers.
by Zaonar Nyaninda
The central tower of Sita'rauta-el-lfila in a golden hue.
The schoolroom for the Sita'rautaan orphans.
Temple / Religious complex
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