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Sita'rautaan Sentry

The Sita'rautaan Sentry are an order of warrior monks from Sita'rauta-el-Filia who are dedicating to serving and protecting Orofi-el-Astrânos and Astrydiâlos. The Sentry are particularly active when Astrydiâlos is thought to be incubating the eggs of her fellow metallic dragons of the Golden Guard.



The rank and file of a unit of the Sita'rautaan Sentry consists of eight infantry members (most typically warrior monks), eight archers, and eight abjurers (often clerics or dragon-touched sorcerers, a phenomenon not unusual among those born in the region). Mages serve primarily to dispel and repel the magic needed by would-be invaders, while longbow archers pick them off from a distance and warrior monks subdue them at close range.   The unit is led by two elite warriors who have at least a hundred years of battle experience (making them almost invariably either dragonborn or kala'adrin elves) and one young metallic dragon at least sixty years of age. These dragons rarely stay with a unit past the age of 120, as this service makes it difficult to settle in a lair and protect a hoard.


Sustained worship and service to an ancient dragon is said to grant one aspects of the dragon in times of great need. It is said that warriors are not permitted to join the Sentry until their eyes turn red in battle. Elite members of the Sentry have been seen assuming even more powerful draconic aspects: breath weapons, scales, wings, or even a dragon's sight.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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Aug 20, 2024 00:52 by Marjorie Ariel

This reminds me of the Tolkein's treeherds, and the way they take on the appearance of trees overtime-the members of the sentry become more and more dragon-like the longer they serve.