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Aldanuvian Orders

The Aldanuvian Orders are a group of mostly Kala'adrin temples in southern Filia that revere pantheons of mostly nature-related gods organized around the Elvish elements rather than along dynastic lines. As implied by their name, all of the Aldanuvian Orders revere Danu to some degree.


There is a strong culture of openness and hospitality among the Aldanuvian Orders. All worshippers who arrive in good faith are welcomed, even those completely ignorant of the order's teachings, customs, or purpose. Comfort and company are offered freely, with no expectations in return. At the same time, the divine secrets entrusted to the Aldanuvian Orders by the deities and other supernatural aspects that the temples revere are considered sacrosanct. The few aishimë who learn them seal the knowledge within them in an esoteric ceremony that prevents them from revealing it through any mortal means.


Unlike the temple-campus system under the control of the Citadel of the Wild, the temples of the Aldanuvian Orders are open and extremely accessible to the unordained. A central tenet of the Aldanuvian Orders is the kala'adrin value of agape, or love for one's fellow souls. Temples offer nearly unrestricted charity to those around them, asking little in return besides prayer and the promise to pay fortune forward when one is able. Each temple offers some sort of pavilion or shelter dedicated exclusively to housing any traveler for free, so long as they respect the gods and grounds of the temple.


There are three extant Aldanuvian Orders, though other defunct sects have existed throughout history and may still maintain smaller groups of practitioners.   Kulu'dara-el-Filia, the Temple of the Open Sky, is located in the low hills of central Filia. It is dedicated to the element gwyar and a number of gods associated with it, chiefly Zodea, Hermes, Rán, and the Three Winds (Boréas, Notus, and Zephýros). Notably, it holds the only known depiction of Achlys from before the rise of the Prophet Nekrotzar Oakenheart.   Sita'rauta-el-Filia, the Temple of the Six Metals, sits at the edge of the high desert. This temple is dedicated to the element calas, but more specifically to gods that represent what are considered the six essential metals: brass (Brigid), bronze (Horus), copper (Ýmir), gold (Bahamut), silver (Morigana), and steel (Hephaestus). The temple also venerates the most ancient metallic dragons among the Golden Guard, particularly Astrydiâlos the Greatmother. Their best warriors form the Sita'rautaan Sentry, who are sworn to protect her home of Orofi-el-Astrânos against all invaders.   Yava'manna-el-Filia, the Temple of the Fruits of the Earth, is the closest temple to Odaïsha and often the most frequented by laypersons. It reveres the element nwyfre and a number of gods of harvest, healing, and good fortune: Dagda, Hestia, Fricka, Míshikal, Lli'ira, and often the gods or Archfey Regnant associated with the current month, moon, or season. The temple is open to all year-round, and can become particularly boisterous around Papayala, when it sees thousands of visitors.
by Paco Pater
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