Klaus the Savior Character in Oros | World Anvil
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Klaus the Savior

"True strength lies not in the tyranny of one, but in the collective will of many, for only together can we forge a future free from the shackles of oppression." - Emperor Klaus the Savior
Klaus the Savior, born Klaus von Welf, and who ruled as Klaus I, was Emperor of The Empire of Man who reigned between 2304 and 2369 AC. He began his career as a lowly student and scholar but went on to become one of the most famous and heroic of Imperial generals and a war hero who led not only the people of the empire to victory but as well as the world against the tyrant Prince Sieghardt. Following his victory against Prince Sieghardt, Klaus was crowned emperor, making him the third emperor of the empire.

Once Klaus was emperor, he transitioned the recently tribal and tortured empire into a new age of advancement and progress. The great policies of Klaus still linger in the empire to this day. His first of many actions upon becoming emperor was changing the empire from a hereditary monarchy to a elective monarchy to ensure a horror like Prince Sieghardt never arises again.
His other deeds include
  • Established the Imperial Academy in Holstein
  • Ordered the construction of Imperial Roads, bridges, and irrigation systems facilitating trade, communication and agricultural development all throughout the empire
  • Aided in the founding of the Cult of Sieghardt by Supreme Primarch Pharamond
  • In in effort to pursue peace with the Dwarfs, he created the world renowned Game of Klaus
  Klaus is still venerated today as one of the greatest heroes in the empire's history. After it's divine founder, Sieghardt- God Emperor. Klaus set the current standards of what an emperor should be like, and the many emperors that followed would try to immulate his greatness if even only slightly.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Prince Sieghardt, a tyrant of immense power and cruelty, ruled over The Empire of Man with an iron fist. As an immortal being, his subjects, mere Mortals, lived in fear of his wrath, knowing that any challenge to his authority would result in certain death. However, amidst his reign of terror, there existed a glimmer of hope in the form of the legendary hammer Ghal Maraz, a relic of immense power wielded by his father, Sieghardt the God-Emperor. This weapon held the potential to challenge Prince Sieghardt's dominance, yet he guarded it with unwavering vigilance, fully aware of its potency against him.

  In a bid to free themselves from Prince Sieghardt's oppressive rule, Klaus, along with other courageous souls, devised a daring plan. Exploiting the tyrant's insatiable lust and ego, they spread rumors of a beautiful elven traveler, enticing Prince Sieghardt's desire to conquer yet another race. With the promise of fulfilling his darkest desires, they lured him into the depths of a magical forest, known for its deceptive illusions.

  Prince Sieghardt, wielding Ghal Maraz with arrogance and pride, eagerly pursued the elusive elven maiden, oblivious to the treachery that awaited him. As he ventured deeper into the forest, he found himself ambushed by a horde of monstrous creatures—illusions crafted by the forest. Engulfed in a frenzied battle, Prince Sieghardt fought with savage intensity, unaware that amidst the chaos, Ghal Maraz had slipped from his grasp.

  When the tumult subsided, Prince Sieghardt found himself bereft of his prized weapon, his once invincible aura shattered by the cunning of his adversaries. Disoriented and defeated, he returned empty-handed, only to face the consequences of his folly. The loss of Ghal Maraz proved to be his undoing, marking the beginning of his downfall and the eventual rise of Klaus as the savior of the empire.

Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Year of Death
2369 AC
Short Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White, Cracks in skin from his duel with Prince Sieghardt
Cult of Sieghardt
Aligned Organization

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