Zuka Dragon Slayer Character in Oros | World Anvil
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Zuka Dragon Slayer

Greatest Slayer

After the second defeat of Bellerophon. Zuka Dragon Slayer would quickly unite the orcs to cause mayhem on all.

He is known as the"Greatest Slayer", able to kill Dragons, Celestials, Giants and countless more all on his lonesome. He fought thousands of battles and duels, and not once was he ever bested in combat. Only meeting his end during the Cataclysm.

Tenets of Faith

Zuka Dragon Slayer is worshipped by the Feral Tribe for his complete mastery and total domination over all creatures.
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Dragon Slayer
Giant Slayer
Orc Slayer
Dwarf Slayer
Angel Slayer
Demon Slayer
Slayer of All Life
Greatest Slayer
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
3 BC 0 BC 3 years old
Circumstances of Death
Fell into a sinkhole
Aligned Organization

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