The Battle of the Lunes Military Conflict in Oros | World Anvil
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The Battle of the Lunes

This is the first battle after The Tainting.

With the forces of light weakened, they needed time to recuperate, which left Bellerophon- Harbinger of Aaglafa completely unchallenged and he made way to deal another blow. He would strike the isolatated Fairy Realm with the full force of darkness. The Battle of the Lunes would be the first display of Bellerophon's cruelty and might of the dark forces. The Fairy race fought valiantly in this surprise assault, with great death and corruption following the advancing of the dark forces, the faires had to watch in horror as their friends and family were turned into Dark Fairy race or abominations or cut down before them. The fairies along with their queen Ib- Fairy Goddess would retreat and abandon the fairy realm to Bellerophon.

Conflict Type

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