The Tainting Military Conflict in Oros | World Anvil
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The Tainting

The Tainting was an event caused by Bellerophon- Harbinger of Aaglafa, which caused The Celestial War.

Bellerophon concealed within the shadows, he assumed the guise of a servant of light, infiltrating the sky island and bastion of light in PrimoriaElysium with the objective of subtly turning Holactie - The Creator of Light's creations towards the dark path. No matter how righteous or noble a being may be, the allure of darkness could seduce even the most virtuous souls. Bellerohon determined to bring about Aaglafa aimed to weaken the forces of light before the inevitable war.

After a prolonged period of clandestine manipulation, Bellerophon encountered an isolated Archon named Selephiel. Bellerophon slew Selephiel and assumed his position. Empowered by this newfound authority, he escalated his efforts to corrupt even more servants of light, exploiting his elevated status to sway the celestial hierarchy.

  However, in the midst of one such corruption, Bellerophon's true nature was unveiled by the Archon Zaphkiel - God of Greatness. Bellerophon although not fully ready for the enactment of his plan, prepared to fight the archon and execute his plan sooner than desired. Rather than opposing the Night God, Zaphkiel, seeking action and liberation from the confines of Elysium, proposed an alliance. He offered to aid Bellerophon's plan and act as a clandestine operative within Elysium and after his plan. Recognizing the certain benefits of this unexpected partnership, Bellerophon joined forces with Zaphkiel. With the Archon's influence and support, Bellerophon's corruption of the servants of light surged exponentially, setting the stage for the impending clash between darkness and light.

  After a great deal of time and corruption, Bellerophon was ready to enact his plan and plunge the world into war. He called upon all of his followers to unleash mayhem upon the servants of light. The servants of light ignorant to what transpired in the shadows were caught completely off guard by this sudden attack from within. Countless lives were lost to the unbrindled fury of Bellerophon. Since the dawn of their creation, the archons were 30 strong and always remained as such. However after the attack on Elysium they would be reduced to a mere 13.

  The Tainting led to many new races such as the Evolzar, Black Dragons, various aberrations, abominations, and monstrosities.

This event would lead to much bloodshed and the world going down a path of global war.
Conflict Type
Covert Operation
Ending Date

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