Voltanis Character in Oros | World Anvil
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Adjudicator of Hell

"The day of judgement has come!" -Voltanis

Voltanis, also known as the "Adjudicator of Hell", "Slayer of the Black" and the "Punisher" is one of the 9 Daemon Kings.

Voltanis, a once-righteous Archon, made a pivotal choice to join Asophiel- Lord of Hell during The Celestial War. In contrast to his fellow Archons, who succumbed to demonic transformations, Voltanis clung to his angelic appearance, concealing the profound darkness that was deeply rooted within him.

Motivated by a deeply distorted sense of justice, Voltanis sees himself as an agent of divine retribution, entrusted with the task of delivering punishment to those he deemed unworthy of existence. This skewed moral compass guided his every action, leaving chaos and destruction in his wake as he executed his ruthless brand of justice.

  While others embraced the demonic powers offered by Asophiel, Voltanis maintained his angelic facade, creating a jarring incongruity between his appearance and the malevolence that lurked within. This deceptive visage allowed him to sow fear among his enemies, who could not fathom the brutality and power concealed behind his seemingly benevolent exterior.

  One of Voltanis's most infamous deeds was the grand assault on Hytikix and the merciless slaying of Tehenhauin. With methodical precision, he enacted his perverted vision of justice upon those he deemed deserving of punishment, sending shockwaves throughout the celestial war and solidifying his reputation as a formidable and fearsome adversary.

  The complexity of Voltanis's character lies in the stark dichotomy between his unwavering commitment to his distorted cause and his ability to maintain an angelic appearance while committing atrocious acts. His cunning and manipulative nature allows him to deceive both allies and enemies alike without the utterance of any words.

Tenets of Faith

To be a follower of Voltanis, you must share his sense of justice. The tenets are as followed:
  • Cut out the cancer that threatens the order
  • Judge and execute all things
  • There is no forgiveness, no second chances, once a criminal, always a criminal

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Before Voltanis succumbed to the darkness and became a Demon, he was an Archon with an unwavering sense of justice, albeit a highly distorted one. Even among his fellow Archons, he stood out for the intensity of his convictions. In his pursuit of justice, he often clashed with others who questioned or opposed his methods.

Voltanis viewed The Celestial War as an opportunity to rid the world of those he deemed unworthy of life. His stringent moral code and narrow definition of justice led him to believe that certain lives needed to be cleansed from existence. However, as an Archon, there were restrictions on the extent to which he could enforce his version of justice.

  The tension between Voltanis's strong sense of justice and the limitations imposed upon him as an Archon became a source of deep frustration. He couldn't understand why his perceived righteous actions were constrained by the rules of engagement set by the forces of light. In his eyes, the very nature of the war should have allowed him to carry out his form of justice without hindrance.   This frustration and a sense of being unjustly restrained became the catalyst for Voltanis's fateful decision to side with Asophiel- Lord of Hell. The promise of unrestricted dominion and the ability to enact his true judgment without any constraints proved too tempting for Voltanis to resist. In aligning with Asophiel, he sought to break free from the perceived shackles that limited his ability to mete out the justice he believed the world deserved.   The transformation from Archon to demon did not alter Voltanis's core beliefs or motivations. If anything, it magnified and unleashed the unrestrained force of his twisted sense of justice upon the world. Now, with his unrestricted dominion as a demon, Voltanis could pursue his vision of justice with a brutality and severity that was once tempered by the rules of the celestial order.
Divine Classification
Daemon King
Lawful Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Adjudicator of Hell
Templar of Bones
Executioner of Hope
Slayer of the Black
Ender of Hytikix
Destroyer of Lizards
Currently Held Titles
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Long Flowing White Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White

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