Oros From Nothing there is Existence
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From Nothing there is Existence

Era beginning/end


The Beginning of Existence.

In the Beginning there was Nothing. Then there was a big boom, a silent one. Birthed from it was galaxies, large rocks(planets) and the first god Grapha. Grapha was born in pure and total darkness and for Eons laid dormant in his total darkness. Then from Nothing came the second god. Holactie. When Holactie was birthed she was the first light ever displayed on the galaxy and was soo bright that it blinded the dark-adapted Grapha. For Eons they battled over light and dark ruling over. And spawning from their feud was the third god Cálecelos. He loved watching his siblings fight each other for dominion and would spend his time laughing and giggling to himself. For Eons this continued until the next and final god would be birthed from Nothing. Solomon.

Solomon saw his siblings as gods with a misguided purposed and wanted to show them how a proper god should conduct themselves. He wanted to do something that they didn't. Solomon hated the empty galaxy and looked to create something. He found a large rock and named it Oros and started trying to create life. He spent Eons trying to create something and all the while belittled by his siblings as a failed god with no purpose and trying to do something impossible and fruitless, but Solomon continued on. After spending Eons he finally created the first creations of life. This would be the plants, water, mountains, dirt, rocks, wind, and other essentials for life. He had created life and beyond proud of himself. But he desired more. So he spent a while trying to create something more and finally created animals, beasts, mammals, reptiles and other creatures to inhabit his planet. For millions of years this is how Oros was. But it was devoid of light. At this point it was under Grapha's domain and Holactie had stopped fighting with him. Solomon knew that light was the key to his planet succeeding. Total darkness was unacceptable to him. So Solomon approached Holactie and begged her to bring light to his planet. He begged for eons and finally Holactie conceded only to stop hearing him. But she felt like that it would be too much of a hassle to do it herself. So instead created a new goddess(her daughter) Hestia and tasked her with bringing light to the planet of Oros. Hestia using her mother's power would create the Sun and grant it to the planet. Grapha who was beyond furious with this sudden invasion of his domain tried to swallow the sun in total darkness, but it proved impossible. So he grabbed a ginormous rock and threw it in front of the sun to block out the light. But Solomon had countered this by creating orbit so that the sun wouldn't be completely blocked by the rock. This would spawn the cycle of night and day and the solar eclipse for Oros.

For millions of years Solomon watched his planet grow and live. But then something happened. The first sign of intelligent life would evolve from the reptiles/dinosaurs. These would be the lizardfolk. These had caught Solomon completely by surprise and he went to make contact with them. After meeting them Solomon had a Eureka to create a perfect intelligent species. At the same time Holactie would witness the awaking of the lizardfolk and grew wary. So she decided to create her own beings. She would create the fey in order to spy on the lizardfolk. While Solomon spent his time making a perfect race, the lizardfolk began to make a society and started to live. They assimilated the dinosaurs into their society and would create the first civilization. It was named Hytikix. They would exist solely on the planet for centuries. At last Solomon had finished his perfect species. He put all his wisdom, power, and intelligence into them. He called them the elves. The elves were the definition of perfection and Solomon would introduce them to the lizardfolk. The elves weren't able to make friends with reptiles/dinosaurs like the lizardfolk could, but were good with the other animals like mammals. Due to Solomon granting the elves many of his powers they were able to see the fey spies and would befriend them. The Fey took a liking to the elves and would grant them powers that would be inherited by all future elves. At first it was awkward between the lizard's and the elves. But after some time they grew to like each other's fondness for nature. They collaborated and the first elven civilization would be Aneria. For centuries they lived jointly and peacefully.

For a long time, Solomon had watched his planet prosper with great pride. And so he came to his siblings and would boast about how great he was and how much better he was than them. And so he challenged them to create a being that could top his lizards and elves. Holactie would first make the sky island of Elysium. She would then create the celestials, after that she created the Aasimar which would rival the elves in perfection. Then she would create the dragons to best the lizardfolk. And finally she would create the elementals. The Aasimar and Celestials lived on Elysium while elementals and dragons traveled between Elysium and the surface. Grapha cared nothing for this competition as he saw it beneath him and didn't participate. And lastly Cálecelos. He had been dormant for most of Solomon's life and since not much was happening was far too weak to waste his power to create a being. So instead he decided to just corrupt one of Solomon's races. He sought the darkest and deepest hearts of the elves and would lead them astray to the shadow realm. He filled their hearts with hatred. This would lead to creations that were transformed completely into unrecognizable creatures. These would be the orcs, beings with only one desire. DESTRUCTION!

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