Zeradias the Subjugator Character in Oros | World Anvil
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Zeradias the Subjugator


"I wield in my hand the power to change the fate of the universe!" -Zeradias, boasting to a challenger

Zeradias, also known as the "Tyrant of Blood", "Warlord of Warlords", the "Overlord", "the Challenger", "the Conqueror" and the "Red Colossus" is one of the nine Daemon Kings.

Zeradias's transition from a celestial Archon to a demonic force unleashed his insatiable desire for conquest and domination to even greater heights. His colossal size, now augmented by demonic energies, made him an even more imposing figure on the battlefield. Clad in darkened, formidable armor and wielding a giant Greatsword crackling with demonic power, Zeradias's presence became synonymous with unrelenting brutality.

The demonic transformation intensified Zeradias's malevolent nature, turning him into a towering symbol of evil. His ambitions expanded beyond the celestial realms as he sought to extend his dominion to new territories, realms, and dimensions. The demonic forces under his command wreaked havoc and sowed chaos wherever they went, leaving nothing but devastation in their wake.   The conquest of elemental nations became a small part of Zeradias's grander scheme. He aimed for nothing less than the subjugation of all beings, mortal and Celestial alike, under his rule. The demonic energy coursing through him fueled an unquenchable thirst for power and control, pushing him to new heights of cruelty.   Zeradias's rule became a reign of terror, as he reveled in the suffering of those who dared to oppose him. The demonic forces under his command carried out ruthless campaigns, enslaving populations and subjecting them to unspeakable horrors. Zeradias's insidious influence spread like a plague, corrupting lands and twisting once-proud civilizations into realms of despair.   His reign of brutality and oppression extended far beyond The Celestial War, as Zeradias, now a demonic conqueror, sought to impose his twisted vision of dominance across realms. The mere mention of his name struck fear into the hearts of those who knew of his ruthless conquests, and his demonic presence became a nightmarish symbol of unchecked power and malevolence.

Tenets of Faith

Followers of Zeradias are strong warriors and subjugators.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zeradias, during his tenure as an Archon, stood out as a formidable warrior among his Celestial brethren. His infatuation with dueling and the exertion of overwhelming supremacy over his foes set him apart as a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Renowned as one of the strongest warriors among the Archons, Zeradias commanded respect and fear in equal measure.

Assigned as a commander of numerous light forces, Zeradias had significant autonomy, allowing him to embark on mini-campaigns aimed at dismantling parts of the dark forces aligned with Bellerophon- Harbinger of Aaglafa. His strategic prowess and unmatched combat skills made him a decisive leader in battles against the forces of darkness. Zeradias believed that bending the will of those dark races who unwillingly sided with Bellerophon could serve to both diminish the enemy's strength and bolster the forces of light.   However, Zeradias's methods were not universally accepted among the Archons. While his campaigns against the dark forces were commendable, his willingness to consider adding Primordial Dark Elf race or Orcs to their ranks was viewed as heinous by some. The moral complexities of incorporating those traditionally aligned with darkness into the forces of light sparked debates among the celestial hierarchy.   In his pursuit of dueling and the subjugation of those deemed enemies of the light, Zeradias found a kindred spirit in Asophiel- Lord of Hell. The two shared a common desire for assertive and forceful methods in dealing with the enemy, setting the stage for Zeradias's eventual alignment with Asophiel during The Celestial War. This partnership marked a shift in Zeradias's approach, as he sought not only victory over the dark forces but also the imposition of his own vision of supremacy and dominance on the celestial realms.
Divine Classification
Daemon King
Neutral Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Tyrant of Blood
Warlord of Warlords 
Red Colossus
Stomper of Infants
Suzerain of the Weak
Great Ruler King
Apex Duelist
Master of Dread
Currently Held Titles
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Blood red

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