Resource Gathering in Ostelliach

Below, you can find some of the most popular or vital exports of materials per area in Ostelliach.


To the northwest of Ostelliach, the mines near Arnun-Ohx run deep and rich with gold and silver that are not only vital for the region's famous Ohx Electrum alloy but also the Orcish worship of the area. Not necessarily tied to any god dead or alive, the mines are instead seen as holy places to tie to the land and The Web. After all, the mines enable the electrum and the electrum enables all they value.
  North of the capital Cities of Mercy and Wrath, the Shadowspires yield iron, aluminum, and copper used in many of the crafts for the region (as well as all the non-artistic, mundane things these are used for). Most closely guarded, however, are the platinum mines to the northwest. These are seen as the property of The Tryst and guarded closely (no matter the distance between said mines and the fortress itself). These metallic mines are much of the power the capital cities hold in the region, as one can hardly have steel without iron, for example, no?
  To the southeast of Ostelliach (indeed, almost the exact opposite to Arnun-Ohx's mines, seen as sisters) are the mithril and adamant mines of The Cradle of Souls. These mountains, twins alone on the edge of the Tallowwood and Grove of the Cat forests, are sacred to the reclusive rovers of this area. They closely guard their mines, judicious in which veins are opened and where the goods are distributed. Both adamant and mithril are fairly rare, fairly delicate in their mined forms, and fairly invaluable in magical armor smithing; the people of the area enjoy a steady customer base for the stuff not found elsewhere.

Minerals & Crystals

In the hot, seismically active region of western Ostelliach, volcanic rock (pumice, obsidian, basalt etc.) are pulled from a single, daring mine shaft right under the nose of the Chained Forge volcanic pillar. Across the bay on the mainland, the great geyser Anathema don't deter stubborn miners from pulling up clay, sandstone, and sulfur.
  Northwest where the fungal jungles of Demoor meet the rocky caverns under the Stronghold of Broken Worlds desert, hides the only place to mine the extremely rare, extremely magical, extremely captivating, extremely dangerous Spiricubus. Spiricubus is a crystalline structure that forms in bismuth-esque cube shapes useful in arcane foci. Spiricubus is also, however, extremely volatile (akin to old dynamite in its sensitivity), ready to explode at the slightest friction at the wrong angle. Thus, the sole Spiricubus mine is guarded carefully and those who work there are regarded as near-scholarly level experts of their craft...with excellent life insurance plans and an unfortunate familiar closeness with death.
  Salt is filtered from the ocean near Expatria or cut in large sheets from the frozen saline floes near Eria Nil Aldur in the Warded Hook region. The Expatrian salt is, of course, sea salt, and is generally coarser. The sheets pulled from Eria Nil Aldur are used in protective warding built into buildings or ground up into tiny, finer quantities. Expatria also is known for underwater scavenging of abalone and shells that are used as is or ground up into powders, and Eria Nil Aldur is known for coldwater pearls.
  The cliffs around Red Flagon yield many fossils and once-alive things, but also talc, quartz, and several oxides used in mineral powders.
  In the far southwest of the continent, the Sphinx's Claw produces Iridite, a special permaice used primarily in art but also in many navigation systems and long distance viewing apparati.

Living Materials

The refugee city of Sammen in the northeast is known for its silkworm groves, where orchards are only a vehicle to raise millions of glistening insects that spin the vital threads used in so many fabrics and arts across Ostelliach.
  The wide meadow of the northcentral, the Everglen, is nearly the sole source of healing herbs that apothecaries across Ostelliach use to stock unctions, potions and poultices, poisons and antidotes.
  Surprising no one, the fungal forests of subterranean Demoor produce many of the fungal exports to Ostelliach, including poisons, cures, spell components, and spores used in many dyes and paints. However, the Ilcarian Jungle is also a supplier of their own varieties of mushrooms and plants for such things.
  The deciduous forests of the Tallowwood yield naturally arcane amber as well as honeys and wildflower teas that, while not necessarily magical, are hugely popular delicacies.
  The Cradle and the nearby city of Carrier's Crest are, unsurprisingly, the primary provider for wool and milk due to their massive, sprawling, grazing lands. They also provide much meat and fat/oil, but nearly everywhere has some way or other to fish or hunt for themselves as well. Some of the more exotic beasts farmed in this area also contribute ivory or antler-esque building components.
  Finally, the Scriptorium Soiram being the leading consumer of stone tablets, scrolls, looseleaf paper, and other various ways-to-write-something-down means Rowa maintain a lumber mill, steady crop of the hearty reeds used to make papyrus, and a quarry for stone harvesting. The Rowa River running through Illuvia is suited especially well for the reeds, the trees grow well west toward The Cradle , and there is an entire large cavern below Rowa specifically for the quarry.
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