Session 9: The Gang Explores Their Feelings About Connection...and Buys a Lot of Stuff

General Summary

Ah, yes. The preparation before the big adventure.   A shopping trip was one of the primary orders of business, utilizing the 200 GP allowance each person got from Gleddy Goodvine. This included picking up some preordered goods, like L0L4 's Darkvision contacts and Num Erik Al's gloves for safe-relic-handling; though it was well before they were due to be ready, Dortlitt showed he's actually a big softie by staying up all night to complete them before the gang had to leave.   Among the other purchases were:
  • Blasted Goggles for ALEK51 that due to a Nat 1 luck roll are definitely cursed
  • Trailblazer boots for Num
  • A Shroud of Positive Thinking for Kitanya to drape over her horns
  • 10 bags of ball bearings for Kitanya because why wouldn't she
  • A Baker's Blade for Kitanya, good for stabbing but mostly for cutting bread real good
  • 5 vials of Spell Slurry each for Alek and Wynnie for regaining Level 1 Spell Slots
  • A tent, Potion of Polychromy, 2 Healing Botions, 3 vials of blessed water, a crowbar, an arcane inscription tool, and an ink well for L0L4 (phew!
  • 6 more vials of blessed water for Num
  Most notably, however, Dortlitt was also convinced (without much persuading) to "loan" Wynnie and Amanita each their Staff of Defense before paying it off fully on layaway. He told them with a stern, fatherly tone and no small amount of fondness that he only did it because they'd be sure to bring it back to him, meaning they had to come back alive and well.   -   The party also did a fair amount of research in preparation for the journey.  
  • Num researched what type of creatures were around the Mill of the Gods and upon learning it was mostly undead and monstrosities, set out to meet with G'Vi, the guild's resident blueprint crafter, to come up with some traps to ward such things while camping.
  • Alek pulled all his knowledge of spooky creatures to the front of his mental library and dropped off a bunch of research at the Scriptorium Soiram so it wasn't at risk while he was out adventuring
  • Amanita did research on the flora and fauna the group could expect along the way, especially refreshing their knowledge of the Grove of the Cat and area around The Endeavour
  • Kitanya researched the types of food they could expect to find along the way, planning an entire Diners, Dungeons, & Dives food tour for the group
  -   Other miscellaneous shenanigans ensued, including:
  • Lola trying to cheer up a stressy depressy Amanita who was dreading going back to their hometown, knowing they'd have to face their parents and admit they got kicked out of college. Lola had a surprisingly successful time of it using Prestidigitation and mushroom-shaped confetti.
  • Lola teaching her creepy doll phrases: "Halt, who goes there?!" if someone stands directly in front of her | "That's right, the doll is talking" if someone says "who said that" | If someone damages the doll, "congratulations, you're now cursed permanently!" | If someone picks her up, "a door has opened. Good luck!" with a creepy giggle. | If you shake her hand, "hello there, how do you do." It was also established that the doll does not react if blindfolded and that she screams if you pull her hair. For maximum creep.
  In addition, it was decided that Bartleby, Reina, Albert, Paige, and Tome all will be left safely behind in Rinevel "Rine" Mauveithel's capable care until the adventurers returned.   -   The route for the mission:
Path to the Mill of the Gods
Report Date
09 May 2024
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