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History of Ostrov

Creation of the World

... 1000

Creation of the world, birth of the sentient peoples of the world, the gods settle into their domains Starts with creation of world and ends with Mara's birth CO - Creation of Ostrov

  • 0 CO

    30 CO

    Creation of the World
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Arrival of the 8 original Prime Deities Ostrov's physical geography takes its more or less final form

  • 30 CO

    450 CO

    Birth of the Peoples of Ostrov

    The first peoples of the world emerge Western Continent: orcs, humans Eastern Continent: dwarves, halflings

  • 100 CO

    Hatching of the First Dragons
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The first dragons are hatched.

    More reading
  • 500 CO

    Birth of Beatrice
    Life, Birth

    Beatrice, the first demigod is born to Natanis and his consort Deirdre

  • 1000 CO

    Birth of Mara
    Life, Birth

    Mara is born to Lady Avenda Dosti after a dubiously consensual one-night stand with Katrin (in disguise of course). She is raised by Lady Avenda and her husband Lord Surin Dosti

Rise of Magic

1001 5000

Rise of magic among mortals due to spread of divine blood Elves differentiate from humans Era starts with Mara's birth and ends with her rise to divinity RM - Rise of Magic

  • 207 RM

    Birth of Denawyn
    Life, Birth

  • 1000 RM

    1056 RM

    Reign of Elfdirka the Maligned
    Political event

    More reading
  • 1000 RM

    1348 RM

    Library of Biblius in Lago

  • 1089 RM

    Migration of Dwarves to Western Continent
    Population Migration / Travel

    More reading
  • 2622 RM

    Birth of Naje Haje
    Life, Birth
  • 4000 RM

    Ascension of Mara
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Ascension of Mara to become a Prime Deity

Age of the Gods

5001 10000

Gods are very interventionist, tightly closed pantheon Starts with Mara's ascension, ends with Katrin and Jedrak's deaths AG - Age of the Gods

  • 4000 AG

    Birth of Faervel
    Life, Birth
  • 5000 AG

    Deaths of Katrin & Jedrak
    Life, Death

    Katrin and Jedrak are killed, death of Denawyn, ascension of Faervel

Planar Unveiling

10001 and beyond

Access to other realms starts becoming possible Era starts with Katrin's death PU - Planar Unveiling

  • Founding of USIT
    Founding of the University of Svoboda Institute of Thaumaturgy

    In response to a fast-growing need for trained mages, as well as a deep-seated need on the part of the new King-consort to pass his learning onto the next generations, this university was founded, albeit initially as a reclaimation of a burned-out library.

  • 37 PU

    Abdication of Zyak
    Political event
  • 270 PU

    Mist and Shadow Begins