Our "d'town d&d" game Session 2: A Fel History
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Session 2: A Fel History

3/6 7:00
3/6 12:00

The party comes across a travelling potion vendor, an exhausted Genasi, and enter an ancient battlefield.

A Fuzzy Detente

This new day started where the last had ended, in the burned out husk of a farmhouse. The party made their way back to the road towards Mudwater, but they quickly encountered a travelling potion salesman, Dorro. After the party helped him bypass a family of wounded wolves, he thanked them with a free potion and went on his way to Grasstop.  

Words of the Elements

As they moved further west, they came across a stone plaque, pointing down a small path to the south, towards the ruins of an old battlefield. Vita recognized, and Brian acknowledged, that a symbol on the marker was auran in nature, suggesting some sort of presence of the elemental city of Aaqa here. Deciding to investigate, they soon came across an injured genasi who was making his way out. His name was Wick, and more than happy to share what he knew (even before Bulgey intimidated the crap out of him), he explained that this was the site of an ancient battle in the Second Fel War, a place where supposedly a great fel rune of teleportation had existed. He reinforced what the party had been told in Morrow; not to stay overnight in the ruins lest they spend a sleepless night defending themselves from the spirits of those that had fallen. When pressed about his motives, he explained that he's searching for his missing twin sister; he suspects that she's on another plane, and so he's investigating ways to traverse them. When he explained that he had made a questionable pact with some sort of fey, Tilly and Vita noted that he sounded like a Satyr of some sort. He expressed that, should they make their way to Mudwater, they can find him, or find where he went, at The Blushing Crow.  

A Tangled Encounter

Parting ways with him, the party continued into the old battlefield . They spotted the orange tree Wick had described, past a courtyard central to the area. A cliff face to the far south seemed to set the far boundary to the region, and an orchard of sorts sat up against the western edge of the swamp. Careful, but not terribly quiet, as they moved towards the orange tree, they were jumped by a group of blights that had inhabited the old courtyard. Forced into an unfortunate position, and with movement limited for some of the party members, Vita was knocked unconscious. Tilly, utilzing one of her newly acquired healing potions was able to revive her as the rest of the blights were finished off. Taking a moment to catch their breaths and investigate the courtyard, the party spends a moment to get their bearings.

Related Location
The Ruined Battlefield
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