
A member of Les Chevaliers d'Outremer and current Patriarche d'Outremer (Gothique: Patriarch of Outremer), Aimery is interred in a dreadnought following injuries sustained during Hugh's revolt against Fulk. As an Old One, he is somewhat detached from daily administration and liturgical duties and so his role as Patriarch is mostly symbolic. He instead provides meditative theological insight and - of course - combat prowess, with a subordinate Chaplain and the mortal priest Ghibbelin taking charge of worship and administration.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Astartes Chaplain of Fulk's fighting company, Aimery was an experienced and noble warrior, well-versed in the Imperial Cult and devoted to the worship of the God-Emperor. Unlike many other Astartes, the Black Templars worship the Emperor as a god, and so Aimery found himself theologically unified with Bishop Arnulf. When Outremer was established, Aimery agreed with the Bishop that the defense of the fledgling realm was a sacred duty and that Renaud d'Châtillon was divinely ordained by the God-Emperor as its rightful ruler. When the order to withdraw came, Aimery joined with Fulk, Arnulf and Renaud in disobeying.   When Renaud was killed by the T'au, Aimery was unaware of the replacement of the king with a clone controlled by Arnulf and assisted the Bishop in resisting Baudouin d'Châtillon's challenge to his brother Renaud and exiling him from the realm. However, when Hugh learned of the cloning of Renaud and Arnulf's treachery, Aimery joined with the seneschal in rebellion against Fulk.   Directly challenging Renaud and thinking he had the support of the squad of Astartes with him, Aimery was betrayed by them and captured. Stripped of his armor and at the mercy of the sadistic Renaud, Aimery was beaten and staked naked to the roof of a building in contested territory. There, an ultrasonic lure was activated drawing the attention of a patrol of Vespids, a subordinate xenos race in the T'au Empire. Drawn towards their prey but also caused pain by the sonic device's unique ululations, they did not kill him outright but instead tormented him with their envenomed spines.   Brutally beaten and with even his geneseed-implants overwhelmed by the volume of venom in his system, Aimery felt the call of death but a burning hatred for his once-brothers who had betrayed him sustained him beyond even Astartes endurance. He lay there in the burning desert sun, tormented by the vile xenos, for hours until Hugh and his supporters - exiled in dishonor by Fulk and leaving Outremer - drove off the Vespids and rescued Aimery.   Greviously injured, Aimery could not stand let alone fight and when he regained enough strength to slur his requests he begged for the Emperor's Mercy. But Hugh would not abandon his brother as others had done, nor would he grant him a reprieve from the duty that lay before them. He took the crippled chaplain with him to the realm of Baudouin, nursing him back to some semblance of health. But even with his care and his Astartes constitution, Aimery was still unable to fight and could barely move, instead providing spiritual guidance and exhortations to Hugh's Astartes.   During his period, he was profoundly influenced by the mortal priest Ghibbelin - perhaps because of Ghibbelin's silver tongue, but also because of his weakness due to injury. When the T'au killed Baudouin, Aimery became - like Hugh - a firm adherent to Ghibbelin's theology of the feminine, transferring his loyalty to Melisende and her sisters.   Aimery did not fight in Melisende's assault on Outremer, but when she captured the realm and was installed as Reine he expressed pious joy and composed many sermons extolling her virtues. Pleased with his loyalty, Melisende caused for his broken body to be interred in a Dreadnought chassis, from which he has served her, Outremer and Les Chevaliers since that time.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Patriarche d'Outremer (Gothique: Patriarch of Outremer)
Currently Held Titles
Genderless Astartes (superficially male)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Historical Notes

  Aimery is named after the eponymous Aimery of Limoges, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem who fell foul of Raynald of Châtillon (after whom Renaud d'Châtillon is named). The incident with the Vespids is inspired by Renaud's mistreatment of Aimery following the cleric's refusal to finance a military expedition.