
The first Patriarche d'outremer (Gothique: Patriarch of Outremer), Arnulf's preaching was instrumental in Renaud d'Châtillon becoming the first Roi of Outremer and both his and Fulk's subsequent defiance of their superiors' orders to withdraw to Imperial space. Continuing to promote Renaud as an almost messianic figure, Arnulf's plans were briefly stymied by the the King's capture and execution by Commander Farsight, but he contrived to clone the fallen warrior and retain control over Outremer thereby. But this was to be his undoing - although Les Chevaliers d'Outremer did not initially rebel, Renaud's brother Baudouin did and was eventually joined by Hugh who led the conquest of Outremer, installing Baudoin's daughter Melisende as Reine and ensuring Arnulf's death.
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