La Main de la Reine

La Main de la Reine (Gothique: the Hand of the Queen) is the chief agent of La Reine d'Outremer and serves on and presides over the Haute Cour. Although commanding less military power than the Maréchal of Les Chevaliers d'Outremer and exercising less influence over the Outremarin than clerics such as the Patriarch or Bishop, the Hand of the Queen is an extremely powerful figure as his authority is that of the Queen and his actions are never questioned and his orders unquestioningly obeyed.   Although the constitution of Outremer - such as it exists outside the personage of the Queen herself - permits any Outremarin to be named Queen's Hand, Melisende named Édouard of Les Chevaliers d'Outremer as the first and, so far, only Hand of the Queen.
Civic, Law
Source of Authority
Appointed by La Reine d'Outremer as her chief agent
Reports directly to
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