Gui de Lusignan

A Knightly Baron chosen by the High King of of Normandy to lead his Knightly Vassals in service to Cardinal Gurney on the Damocles Crusade. This honor was given mostly as a snub to Renaud d'Châtillon, who reacted with characteristic arrogance and foreswore his oaths, becoming a Freeblade and leading his family on Crusade in defiance of the High King. Despite this inauspicious start Gui willingly fought alongside Renaud as part of the Crusade and, later, in defense of Outremer. Captured with his Knight, Sapienta, after the Battle of Ha'tin, Gui was recognized as a noble warrior worthy of respect by no less than Commander Farsight himself. Farsight kept him in comfortable imprisonment, only releasing him as part of a long-brokered peace deal. It was Gui's information that Renaud was dead, killed by Farsight's own hand, that persuaded Hugh to rebel against Arnulf and Fulk and ally himself with Renaud's brother Baudouin.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

After the Battle of Ha'tin Gui was Farsight's prisoner, but the T'au commander treated him more as an honored guest. Having secured Gui's promise to not attempt escape Farsight provided him with comfortable lodgings, delicious food, and even lovely companionship throughout his imprisonment. Perhaps the Fire Warrior commander hoped exposure to the benefits of the T'au Empire would convert him to the Greater Good, but while Gui was willing and even eager to sample the degenerate luxuries Farsight offered he betrayed no confidences and would not renounce his loyalty to the Imperium and the Emperor. Nevertheless, Farsight maintained Gui's comfortable conditions - to the Ethereals he said it was a ploy to secure his eventual loyalty, but privately to his staff officers he admitted it was a mark of respect to a fellow warrior.   For his part Gui accepted his imprisonment without complaint - Renaud d'Châtillon's bloodthirsty veniality had disgusted him and he reasoned with him dead Outremer would prosper under his brother Baudouin. Farsight promised him he would honor the previous non-aggression pact. Feeling he had done enough for the Imperium he convinced himself a comfortable retirement - even in a gilded xenos cage - was his right and, if the truth be told, much of the Tau'va made sense to him. He and Farsight would dine and debate, discussing philosophy and playing games of skill - Gui taught the T'au regicide and Farsight returned the favor with a similar game.   Years passed and while Farsight outwardly remained smiling and courteous, beneath his placid exterior he was becoming frustrated with Gui's unwillingness to join the Tau'va. The Noble was also growing indolent, his warrior spirit dimming - something Farsight could not respect. In the face of military defeats and the capture of some of his own officers and even Ethereals, Farsight accepted an exchange of prisoners with Outremer. The peace was brokered by Sisters of the Order of Bethany and it was they who brought the T'au to the agreed-upon location.   Farsight did not tell Gui he was about to be paroled. Instead, he had the Noble brought to the front lines of the conflict - Gui did not ask where he was being taken, but did insist his retainers and companions were brought with him and that he was deprived no comfort. Farsight endured this with a honeyed smile, presenting the Sororitas with the dismantled remains of Sapienta and drawing back the flap so they could enter the inner chamber of Gui's silken tent.   Shocked and horrified by what they saw - a Noble of a Knight House languishing intoxicated in the arms of a voluptuous xenos harlot - the Sisters snatched him up, bound him hand and foot and took him away. They did not know what to do with him - the vile sin of his consorting with xenos demanded death, but they had been charged by the masters of Outremer to bring him and his Knight safely home. They could not take him there in this state - drunk and with the nauseous perfumes of xenos whores on him, babbling heresies of tolerance and coexistence - and so took him and the components of his Knight to their Cloister-Fortress. There, they reassembled and repaired Sapienta, renaming it Hagia Sophia, and subjected Gui to harsh penances to cleanse his corrupted soul.   Gui swiftly recanted his heresies in the face of the torments the Sororitas visited on his body, but the Dogmata of the Order were skeptical and doubted his soul was truly shriven. With Hagia Sophia nearing completion they interred him within it, fusing him permanently to the Knight's chassis much as a penitent was enclosed within the confessional of a Mortifier.
Current Residence
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Articles under Gui de Lusignan