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Prazigal is home to seventy-three percent of the Overlord world’s volcanoes. It has been suggested by some that Prazigal might be considered a wasteland, but this is a term that the inhabitants violently protest. Everyone else still calls it that, though. Their colors are a yellow salamander on a black background.   The correct term for the inhabitants is Zigalites, but they also tend to respond to such terms as “those crazy boom guys” and “lava-heads.” On the whole, the Zigalites adore explosives, their uses and functions, and their destructive capabilities. Psychologists and those others who make a living off of keeping people sane do not fare well here. Interestingly enough, they are quite careful at keeping the dangerous varieties of crazy out, and are simply the cheerful kind that are deaf to anyone who wonders if “it might be dangerous.”   The capital and primary base of the overlord is, quite appropriately, called Volcano Base. Most towns and cities in Prazigal are built around, next to and occasionally floating over top of volcanoes. Volcano Base is the only one that was built inside a volcano, and an active one at that. Visitors are constantly assured that there is ample technology in place to ensure that the Magneris Volcano does not erupt and kill everyone, but I would advise visitors to find a hotel elsewhere and commit to long travel times, because the words “safety protocol” do not mean the same thing to a Zigalite as it does to a normal human being.   Very few heroes go to Prazigal. Those that do are the best of their generation, and merely surviving their incursion is worthy of accolades and honor. Other of the evil nations will usually do their best to present a challenge and defend their people, and even those that are apathetic to the whole process will at least have a setup in place to keep the enemy occupied and away from anything that could destroy everything. Prazigal actively encourages school children to learn how to humiliate and entrap heroic forces. When even the terrain has the possibility of exploding, it is easy to see why even the stupidest hero would tend to be wary and give this place a wide berth.   The current overlord is a man named Gore, who is as blunt and violent as the name suggests. See his section in Part Three for more information.   They are not always on good terms with their northern neighbor, Ember Hollow. Probably because their other neighbors have less open space that might be used for testing long range missiles without permission. Also, see the toxic waste dumping incident mentioned in Ember Hollow’s section.   Prazigal is the only nation that has never been a member of the Unified Benevolent Nations. They have occasionally taken a break from external conflict and labeled themselves neutral, but mostly they are just a fixture of the Council of Evil. The rationale is that heroes are usually expected to be responsible and not blow everything up, which is a thought process that is entirely counterintuitive to a Zigalite.   Understandably the point of origin for the Drakon.  
Geopolitical, Country
Zigalite, Pragallic

Allies in Evil

Allies in Evil

Allies in Evil


Allies in Evil

Allies in Evil

Allies in Evil

Allies in Evil

Allies in Evil

Allies in Evil














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