
"’s all a bawdy farce!..."

Eremis is one of the few humans who lives in the Creepy Crawly Woods.


He knows magic and is a wizard. The Goblins don't trust anyone with magic and they don't really trust humans but Eremis is different. In fact, they think he's quite funny because he uses magic and call him a "Mage". He is always clean and smells nice, unlike the Goblins.

Eremis the Mage watches over the Goblins, spends a lot of time with them and makes a note of all their adventures. He is rumoured to have once been friends with the King of the forest. He also works with Uglub at the Pit 'N' Swet.

Even though Eremis is a mage, he enjoys spending time with the Goblins, Orcs and Ogres, preferring to learn his craft through practical experience in the real world instead of spending all his time time reseraching in libraries and laboratories like most other sorcerers.


Adventuring Experience

As well as being a master of the Arcane Arts, Eremis has recieved extensive training and experience in exploring and adventuring from the Goblins and the Ogres (often with mixed results). He is very well travelled and is able to read, write and speak a large number of languages.

He occasionally takes teaching and acting jobs in the Big City to help pay his way, but he is happiest when accompanying the The Pit 'N' Swet Krew or the Goblins of Norfwood on their adventures, often acting as their translator.


Creative work

Eremis can frequently be found in Uglub's Armoury advising and assisting with the more aesthetic and intellectual aspects of the current project at-hand. He is particularly good at adding runes and filigree decorations to ornamental weapons, shields and armour.


Other Projects

From time-to-time Eremis will shut himself away and work on his own personal projects. These often result in useful outcomes like enchanted helmets, staves and other handy items, but occasionally things go wrong and this can mean an even longer and more expensive project to put things right again.

Favourite Food

Roast Lamb (from the Pit ‘N’ Swet)

Favourite Colour

Midnight Blue (when it's not Black!)

Favourite Piece of Clothing

Swirly Cloak

Favourite saying

It's all a bawdy farce!

Best Friend

Wart the Goblin (but he would NEVER admit it!)

Current Location
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Character Portrait image: Eremis the Mage by Noël Mallet


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