General Grifter


There are no official qualifications a person needs to become a General Grifter. They need to have chosen the Grifters pathway during the Vellich Profession Paths.


After 12 months as an Underseer, a person may step up to a General Grifter if they have shown the apptitude for it. If they do step up, there is no official ceremony, but they may eat a celebratory meal with other General Grifters.


A General Grifter takes their work orders from the Overseer, and will work wherever they are sent. This may mean picking up small odd jobs or fixing things here and there, or it may involve helping with the work load of the Heavy Grifters, Light Grifters or Food Grifters. It could also include spending days training up Underseers in specific areas.
Form of Address
General Grifter
Alternative Naming
Length of Term
minimum 12 months
Reports directly to
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