Light Grifter


There are no qualifications needed to be a Light Grifter, but a person has to have chosen the Grifters pathway, completed at least 12 months as a Underseer and at least 12 months as a General Grifter before being given the option to specialise as a Light Grifter.


There is no special ceremony when a person becomes a Light Grifter, but it is tradition that the other Light Grifters go for a celebratory meal with the new Light Grifter during which they share stories of what is likely to be expected.


A Light Grifter works in a Light House, which has rooms for different types of craft. Their duties are varied depending on where the need is as indicated by the Overseer. They might include making new clothes, fixing bedding, decorating a house, creating a new adorment for a celebration, or crafting mechanisms and other more delicate tasks.


They are responsible for ensuring that the people of their community have good quality clothes, soft furnishings and decorations, as well as making sure that any mechanics within the settlement run smoothly. They put their efforts into different areas depending on the needs of the community as indicated by the Overseer, but may also work on passion projects when time allows for innovation and creation.    They are also responsible for any Underseers and General Grifters in their care who might be learning from them.
Form of Address
Light Grifter
Length of Term
5 years to lifetime
Reports directly to
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