Food Grifter


There are no official qualifications required to become a Food Grifter, but a person does need to have at least 12 months as a Underseer and at least 12 months as a General Grifter under their belt before they are able to specialise as a Food Grifter.


There is no official ceremony when someone moves into the role of Food Grifter, but generally the appointment is celebrated by other Food Grifters with a special food preparation challenge, where each of the existing Food Grifters makes a dish for the new joiner, and the new joiner makes a dish for all of them in return. It is their way of showing off their talents.


The daily duties of the Food Grifters include preparing and serving food for the morning and evening meals for the community, as well as treating and processing food for future meals. They also prepare small portable portions which can be picked up by people to eat during the day.    They may also take direction from the Overseer for special orders and other requirements.


They are responsible for ensuring that everyone in their settlement is well fed and receives nutritional meals that are good for them. They are also responsible for ensuring that they don't waste food and that the ingrediants provided by the Provider are put to good use.
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Food Grifter
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