Greysky Peninsula

Named for the consistently bleak climate and weather of the region, the Greysky Peninsula is a desolate subcontinent in northwestern Sinderlan. A natural border between it and the rest of Sinderlan is formed by the Lister Mountains. It is considered by many to be inhospitable to traditional inhabitation. The southeastern end is dominated by mountains, coniferous forests, and taiga. The core of the region is characterized by wet tundra and icy swamps. Its northern quarter is primarily ice sheet and arctic terrain. It is one of the last major landmasses to be settled in the known world, being first settled in the 13th century by the Hrim Expedition.   While the region is considered inhospitable to inhabitation, it is frequently cited in poetry as one of the most beautiful locations on Perradin. Its tundra and taiga regions in early winter have been the subject of many sonnets and haikus for its many colors of grass and brush contrasted with its snowcapped mountains.
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