Teth Desert

The Teth Desert, also known as Tek Ma Toth by Illuman nomads, is a desert in the eastern reaches of the Duchy of Illuma. It is an extremely dangerous region, only traversed by skilled locals, daredevils, and interested scholars. The desert is outlined by two mountain ranges, the Kol Horn and Jintoc mountain ranges. On the desert's eastern edge, the Kol Horn Mountain Range and the Jintoc Mountain Range meet, forming a wide pass which gives way to the craggy forests of Redalia.   It is one of the dryest regions on Perradin, with an annual rainfall average of 0.3 inches per year and an average temperature of 99 degrees in sunlight and 20 degrees at night. Additionally, it is home to hazardous flora and fauna unique to the region. Great carnivorous cacti, sand elementals, illusory creatures, and even well-adjusted fey are rumored to call the region home.   Roughly a dozen traversals of the region are known to succeed annually, virtually all by notable locals or those who train for months for such a journey. Nearly ten times as many are attempted and failed due to turning back or death. Non locals who cross the desert are called Hoskonni by Illumans, roughly meaning "jerkied fools," referring to the dessicating nature the desert has on organic flesh.   According to those who find routes through the desert, some report seeing abandoned structures among the dunes. These structures which occassionally have been studied by scholars are usually heavily weathered by sandstorms, leaving very little to study. Some have reported undead inhabiting the ruins. Scholars, augurs, and holy men have posited that these are made by some sort of curse on the region, likely reanimating long-dead adventurers.   Due to all of these reasons, the region is rarely traveled and is often viewed as fool's errand to do so without proper preparation and training.
Alternative Name(s)
Tek Ma Toth
Location under
Owning Organization


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