
The Goliath village of Nostonta sits nestled in the Kol Horn Mountain Range at the foot of Mt. Nostonta in the heart of the Duchy of Tarburland. The most ancient tales of the town predate the estimated establishment of Tarburland, suggesting it is one of the longest-inhabited settlements in northern Sinderlan. Isolated from the world at large, it has little modern connection to the Kingdom outside of its regular taxes paid to Alterporton and a mutual reverence for the King. The village culture is dedicated to the reverence of nature in the shadow the mountain that shares its name through an ancient form of animism, led by a priest known as a Stonto for males or Stonta for females. For eons, this quiet village has existed out of time and mind of most Kingdom citizens while its people peacefully reflect on the wonders of the natural world and their place in it.  


  Legends of the first contact with Nostonta state that when an expedition of Dwarves settled in the great underground ruins that became the Fortress City of Alterporton some time in the 200s FFC, they found an ancient tunnel leading north. They pushed through the tunnel for months, clearing out massive shards of debris and detritus that had been built up in the time after the mysterious ancient Fortress' abandonment. Eventually, the Dwarves cleared out enough to reveal the tunnel emerged in the heart of the Kol Horn Mountain Range. Not far from this new breach, the Dwarves found a settlement of about 300 Goliaths at the foot of Mt. Nostonta. The Goliaths there happily greeted them and gave them a warm welcome. Fully aware of their expedition and having seen it while out on hikes, the Goliaths awaited the arrival of the expedition patiently. They excitedly shared their views of the world and of nature, even revealing that their town shared its name with the sacred mountain that overlooked them. The Stonta at the time pledged to always be a friend to the new city of Alterporton, and the Dwarves parted ways back to their city.   More complete historical records first mention Nostonta in the mid-1600s when a plague began to affect the town and Alterporton sent medical aid. Wanting to honor their traditions, the Dwarves of Alterporton, now part of the Final Kingdom's Duchy of Tarburland, sent a small group of Goliath healers they had hired to assist. The Goliath who they sent were enamored with the way of life they had been sent to, and decided to stay in the town. After the plague was dealt with, Stonta Purian Mountainwanderer Ogolutha traveled into the mountains to Alterporton in Grey Skies 1655 and pledged a permanent friendship with the Duchy of Tarburland. The Stonta was brought as a guest of honor to the court of the King of Discovery, with whom Purian became enamored with. The two wed in Rekindling 1656, and Purian returned to Nostonta in as Queen Consort of the Final Kingdom in Planting 1656 with a small Goliath child. Purian explained the power of the King, which many of them viewed as the will of the Mountain. From that day forward, the Goliaths of Nostonta revered the Monarch in Throne as an extension of their holy mountain and thus were imbued with the Gift of the Throne. The family remained close even across great distances.   After the exciting entrance into Kingdom society, Nostonta remained content to worship and exist on their own. After the passing of Purian and the King of Discovery in the late 1600s, the town became a place of quiet contemplation once again, albeit with a degree of pride in their brief time of fame. The later Stontas mythologized the story of the peaceful entrance of Nostonta into the Kingdom, bringing with it a culture of maintaining peace at any cost, eventually evolving into a purely pacifist subculture.   The pacifism of Nostonta became a place of pilgrimage for some seeking inner peace, especially in times of war. The Goliaths gladly welcomed the occasional traveler and shared with them their thoughts on peaceful coexistence with nature and the people around them. The Stontas, over the eons, became adamant that any violence was considered an aberation.   After the failure of the Hrim Expedition in the Grey Sky Peninsula and the breakdown of relations with the Kingdom, Hrim citizens began raiding areas along their border. The Duchy of Tarburland, while on this border, was considered impregnable due to the nature of the Kol Horn Mountains. However, occasional raiding parties would make it through the rugged terrain and into Nostonta. The raiders were often given whatever they wanted in exchange for the village being left alone, however this led to them becoming a tantalizing target. Raiders would search for the fabled Nostonta, a place where the enormous Kingdom citizens offered no resistance. While the mountains provided some protection, killing most parties who ventured out, every few centuries, a party would make its way to Nostonta.   In 9030, a raiding party made it through the mountains for the first time in nearly 700 years. However, this party was unaware of the nature of Nostonta and commenced pillaging despite the lack of resistance. Amidst the boodshed, the Stonto's son, a Goliath named Fallen Snow became enraged. In his rage, Fallen Snow annihilated the entire raiding party. Amidst the carnage, he found himself at odds with the doctrine of pacifism of Nostonta, and he fled into the mountains.   Years after the attack, the King of the Harvest began sending a small contingency of King's Bulwark soldiers to check in on the town from time to time.


99.9% Goliath   0.1% Grung


Nostonta has a dual relgious and political leader, known as the Stonta. They have led the community since time immemorial and are guided by the principles of the unique Nostontan animism they practice, which has no official name. The Stonta is widely respected in the community and wields a great deal of respect and sway, however the citizens are not required to abide by their rulings or orders. Stontas consult regularly with village elders to provide wisdom and clarity in how the town is run and how religious observations are conducted. The Stontas revere the mountain above all else, and constantly seek to honor the sheer force of nature it represents. The Monarch in Throne is regarded as an extension and embodiment of the will of Mt. Nostanta, and revere them accordingly. Some of the most famous Stontas in the history of the village include Apathi Threadrunner Athunakane, the builder of the legendary single-rope crossing of Gibbering Gorge in 975 to a safer path up to the peak of Mt Nostanta, which paved the way for a permanent bridge named in his honor. The current Stonto is Gamak Stonerherder Vanu-Rotea, who has led with dignity and grace during a time following great loss after a Hrim raider attack.


The village has a single road leading down into the hardened stone of the mountain range. Through the ancient tunnels, this road winds its way down to the Dwarven Fortress City of Alterporton, capital of Tarburland. This tunnel-road is treacherous and is seldom traveled in spring or winter due to intense flooding and ice buildup respectively. The only other way in and out of the village is an arduous hike out of the mountain range, a feat of which only local Goliath are capable of.    Food production primarily comes in the form of small terraced gardens carved into the mountainsides just outside of town. These gardens are only capable of subsistence farming, requiring imports of medicine and emergency supplies should they be needed.

Points of interest

The main point of interest in the town is the great Bell of Sten. Enormous and bronze-cast, this bell, or one like it, has been present at the town center for millennia. The original purpose is unknown, but it is now used as an aid for meditation and contemplation. Its resonance is considered sacred, and the monks and Stontas of Nostonta are said to hum the tone it makes in times of distress. The bellstriker of Nostonta is considered a position of honor, and is ceremonially given as a position yearly to a random citizen. The current bellstriker is a Grung immigrant to the town named Knestchev, and is widely accepted as the best in centuries due to his gentle touch of the striking mallet to the metal.
Founding Date
before 100 FFC
Location under
Owning Organization
Related Traditions


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