Island of Ren


Ren is an oddity amongst the rest of the Duchies, as it is not a Duchy at all, but rather a vassalized island nation ruled mostly entirely independently from the Kingdom proper. It is a large island off the southwestern coast of Reshensha. Ren sits as an aquatic choke point for all major trade routes heading south to the Consulate. In this bottleneck, known as the Regalia Corridor, a Kingdom fleet typically sits in wait to escort Consulate ships through the pirate-laden territories near the Crag. The island has a single city sharing a name with the island proper. Ren City is highly urban and densely populated. Clouds of smog from massive smoke stacks along the coast can be seen far out to sea, only rivaled by the factories of Hi Ba in Pillarin. Additionally, it encompasses the smaller island of Ptologius some 300 miles east. Ptologius has no known inhabitants, but is administered by Ren nonetheless. Before being incorporated into the Kingdom, Ren was a region that was considered taboo and off limits due to the danger its fleet posed and the dangerous nature of the Trelgani faction that ruled it. The two islands became vassals of the Kingdom in 8984 when the Queen of Clasped Hands negotiated its inclusion. It is entirely unknown how this was done without bloodshed.


The main island of Ren is the home of the Giff. The island hosts a highly gifted culture with a keen desire for technological advancement and a penchant for conflict and bloodshed. Ruled by the autocratic military faction known as the Trelgani, nearly every aspect of life on Ren is controlled by the state. Very few individuals actively believe in the power of the Monarch in Throne and thus do not receive The Gift. Little is known about daily life beyond rumors of a highly stratified hierarchy of power and dominance amongst classes with military service prioritized socially. The Kingdom allows the government of Ren to do as they please so long as monetary and military tribute are paid regularly. Giff who leave to settle elsewhere are often of the mind that they will never return.
  The Trelgani faction, and by extension the island, is led by an Autarch. The Autarchs of Ren have historically ranged from ruthless dictators to enlightened despots and are determined by whoever can seize power most effectively after (or before) the sitting Autarch dies. Currently, the island is ruled by Autarch Gladius Clorel, a cruel and angry Giff who hands down stern and harsh judgment from his palace in Ren City. He answers begrudgingly to the King of the Harvest and sends weapons as tribute. He also manages the Ren Defense Fleet along the Regalia Corridor.
Administrative Information
Capital: Ren
Location under
Included Organizations
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization


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