The Monarch's Bulwark Organization in Perradin | World Anvil

The Monarch's Bulwark

Founded by the Queen of Reborn Doctrine as a branch of the Final Kingdom's military in the years following the Starfall, the Monarch's Bulwark is the most elite military organization in Sinderlan and, according to some, the entirety of Perradin. The Bulwark's membership is recruited from the most highly skilled martial talents from across the Kingdom. While many simply think of the Bulwark as the personal guard of the Monarch in Throne, their purpose is far more complex. The central goal of the organization is to promote unity in the Kingdom between the Duchies, which is accomplished by three guiding principles: keeping the peace, facilitating negotiation, and protecting the rights of Kingdom citizens. The Bulwark is allowed significant autonomy and freedom in interpretation and completion of these goals. They operate across the entire Kingdom, with operations offices in most Fortress Cities and Duchy capitals and units comprising of one to four Bulwark members. Its name changes with the gender of the reigning Monarch.   The common popular conception of the Bulwark is that its deployment is a de facto end to hostilities as no one dares to face such an elite fighting force in combat. Its mere presence has been used to end decades-long conflicts. The Monarch is typically reticent to openly deploy the Bulwark en masse due to their invaluable nature as peacekeepers. As such, the Bulwark is not viewed as a deterrent but rather a last resort.


The Bulwark constitutes roughly 2000 members across the Kingdom and is stratified in officer ranks. The nominal de facto leader of the organization is the Monarch in Throne. The ranking leader of the Bulwark is the Radiant Commandant, whose base of operations rotates yearly to other Duchy capitals. The three core ranks of Captain, Commander, and Lieutenant are subsequently divided into the three tiers Radiant, Eminent, and Exalted of descending power within the organization. Each major operations office is headed by a Radiant Captain. From an operations office, Bulwark officers are dispatched on missions in squads of one to four. Bulwark officers are often rotated across the Kingdom for missions fitting their particular skillset, as determined by the Monarch, ranking officers, and Augurs. The current Radiant Commandant is Leila Xilvalur, one of the youngest to ever hold the rank.   The Augurs of the Kingdom also have special permissions and are permitted to dispatch Bulwark officers for special missions when necessary or appropriate. This has led to several scandals over the millennia due to corruption in certain circles.   While ranking officers operate outside of the normal hierarchy of the Kingdom, and technically are considered extensions of the Monarch's Will, they fall into a grey area in most military reporting structures. Duchy Guard Corps, Armies, and Navies will occasionally be given Bulwark members on special dispensation for unique operations, in which they are under the direct command of a Duke or a selected military commander. However, if a Bulwark member is dispensing orders or wishes of the Monarch or high ranking augurs, these orders supersede all others.   The only region of the Kingdom the Bulwark has no presence or authority in is the Island Protectorate of Ren.


The King's Bulwark administration is allowed access to the full resources of the Final Kingdom, with the exceptions being that of the Kingdom Navy and the firearms and explosives developed on Ren. This privilege allows them unparalleled ranges of operation across Sinderlan. Weapons from the armories of the Kingdom are regularly tapped for special operations. Additionally, the Bulwark has access to all civilian infrastructure as well, regularly tapping the talent of local healers, ambassadors, and counselors to assist in aid operations and negotiations.


In the decades following the Starfall and the death of the Queen of the Starfall, the Kingdom was filled with a sense of unease and instability. What records remain detail the multiple decades-long Lizardfolk uprisings in Throne over the destruction of Velnor, as well as dissent in fringe territories near the Greysky Peninsula and Valley of Plenty. Oral history also indicates a rising fear of retribution from the Didacy or the ceded city of Scepter. In response, the newly-crowned Queen of Reborn Doctrine formed the Queen's Bulwark in 1544 to dispatch as her direct will across the Kingdom. Records are scant on the formation, but what little is known on the formation suggests the Queen selected the most loyal and elite veterans from the War of the Starfall. The first act was to bring peace to Throne and stop the Lizardfolk's Velnorclast Riots, which ended in heavy bloodshed and the diaspora of the Sinderlan Lizardfolk to the far north. After Throne was secured, the Bulwark swept across the Kingdom proclaiming the Queen's will for peace, unity, and combined strength. After an apparent decade of campaigning, the Bulwark's actions stabilized the Kingdom as a whole.   In the decades and centuries following the stabilization of the Kingdom, the Bulwark began to evolve in its nature. Where it had previously been an inquisitorial force, it became instead a regional paramilitary outside that of the traditional Kingdom Army. Minor invasions from the unorganized inhabitants of the Greysky Peninsula were common in these centuries, which the Bulwark would regularly repel, honing their skills. The Bulwark would act as the Monarch's bodyguards and their will in the west Kingdom for the next millennium.   In 2566, the Lysterian Earthquake devastated the central Kingdom. The Monarch of the Bleeding Heart deployed the Bulwark officers from Throne and across the western Kingdom to aid in the recovery efforts. As the Bulwark moved far more quickly than any other domestic group and were decentralized in nature, they were able to aid many affected locations simultaneously. It was later estimated that their actions saved nearly 15,000 lives as they dug survivors from the rubble. After this event, the King declared that the Bulwark would not only be a peacekeeping force, but also a force for aid across the Kingdom. The Bulwark was expanded from a few hundred members to nearly 2000, a number it would retain into the present. Offices were opened in every Duchy capital and the ranks became more stratified.   The first deployment in open warfare was during the Didacy Civil War in 3433 when rebels from the western Stargash Crater attempted to annex the entirety of the shores around Union Reservoir. The King of Intervention mustered the majority of the southern Bulwark, save for his personal guard, and deployed them to the region with nearly 400 officers. Here, the Bulwark assumed a defensive position which the Didacy rebels attacked directly. The entire host of 7000 rebels was obliterated and the Bulwark did not lose a single officer. After this, the Bulwark was deployed into the Domain of the Didacy to assist in relief efforts. The new stability proved instrumental in Warforged 2's bid for a democratic government, forming the First Didacian Consulate in 3434.   The history of the Bulwark for the next four millennia would be characterized with many other events similar to this, earning them a reputation as "conflict-enders." Most recently, the Fourth Wine War  of 9019 was ended by the full deployment of the King's Bulwark by the King of Flowing Waters. Their mere presence was enough to intimidate the various parties into a ceasefire and eventual peace accord.   In 8477 when the Duchy of the Crag seceded peacefully from the Final Kingdom, the Bulwark members within the region who sympathized with their cause were given special dispensation to separate from the Bulwark. These 27 officers were reformed into the Ducal Guard of the newly-crowned Grand Duke Adrien Pelk. Their training and skills eventually evolved as the Crag descended into a state of open piracy.   As of today, the King of the Harvest has been reticent to deploy the Bulwark in the Crag-Kingdom War which began in 9047. He has gone on public record that the Bulwark is too important to the relief efforts associated with the fallout of the ongoing Famine. The majority of the Bulwark is currently a part of the Swords to Plowshares Initiative where many officers are aiding in farming. Experts from the Consulate agree that the famine would likely have killed millions without this initiative.

The Crown weighs heavy, so we lend our strength.

Founding Date
Military, Special Operations Force
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Parent Organization


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