Entheas (en-THAY-ahs)

Entheas is oldest, largest, and most important of the outposts on The Line, a series of forts created by the Kingdom of Eridane in the Western Lands.   Entheas is the central fort of The Line, located 75 miles north-northeast of Jaath Ennore and about 100 miles south-southwest of Serin.   Commonly referred to as the “Heart of the Line”, Entheas serves as the main logistics and barracks for The Line. It is located near the village of Omelenor, at the meeting of the Tiatha and Rimba rivers.   Entheas is the oldest Elvish settlement in the Western Lands, and has been the primary target for many orcish incursions over the centuries.   The forts of The Line are named after heroes of the Army of Eridane. Entheas is named after Entheas Hani, who commanded Elvish forces at the Battle of Slukigh in BF 863.
Outpost / Base
Location under
Owning Organization


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