Lefenas (LEH-fen-ahs)

Lefenas is one of the outposts on The Line, a series of forts created by the Kingdom of Eridane in the Western Lands.   Lefenas is the most southern of the forts on The Line, located 80 miles west-souththwest of Sanasera and about 310 miles south-southwest of Entheas, the central fort and logistical hub of The Line.   The forts of The Line are named after heroes of the Army of Eridane. Lefenas is named after Lefenas Aparellon, who commanded an infantry company in the Battle of Wanuh in BF 543. She lost her life in single combat against an orcish chieftain, and her prowess and courage in battle impressed the orcish forces so greatly that they retreated despite her defeat.
Outpost / Base
Location under
Owning Organization


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