Themar (THAY-mahr)

Themar is one of the outposts on The Line, a series of forts created by the Kingdom of Eridane in the Western Lands.   Themar is the second northernmost fort on The Line, located 75 miles south-southeast of Thalas, 75 miles north of Olyan, and 300 miles north of Entheas, the central fort and logistical hub of The Line..   The forts of The Line are named after heroes of the Army of Eridane. Themar is named after Themar Unarith, an infantryman who fought in the Battle of Ux in BF 462. During the battle she tricked nearly half of the enemy forces into confusion by issuing bogus movement orders over a captured war horn, eventually leading them into a box canyon where they were cut off and easily defeated.
Outpost / Base
Location under
Owning Organization


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