Sanasera (sahn-ah-SEH-rah)

Sanasera is one of the outposts on The Line, a series of forts created by the Kingdom of Eridane in the Western Lands.   Sanasera is the second-most southern of the forts on The Line, located 80 miles east-northeast of Lefenas, 80 miles southwest of Myolon, and about 250 miles south-southwest of Entheas, the central fort and logistical hub of The Line.   The forts of The Line are named after heroes of the Army of Eridane.  Sanasera is named in honor of Sanasera Keltine, a combat sorceror in a unit of magical auxiliary troops in the Battle of Vrujuhs in BF 372.  She lost her life casting an augmented fireball that wiped out an orcish formation that threatened to break through the elvish lines, preventing a rout of the elvish forces and saving the lives of hundreds of her comrades.
Outpost / Base
Location under
Owning Organization


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