Don Mikei Nezu

Name: Mikei Nezu. Known Aliases: Don Mickei. Rank: S-5. Bounty: 110,000 ryo. XP: 100,000.   Wanted by: Kusagakure. Crime: Illegal trade of artifacts and sacred object, running an organized crime syndicate, several counts of murder and extortion, human trafficking, theft of government resources, bribery.... Specialty: Close combat. Nationality: Kusagakure. Last seen: Kusagakure.   Description: A large elderly man in great physical condition, though he appears rotund, he is actually incredibly powerful. His short black hair has mostly faded to grey, he is usually wearing a very nice suit, walking with a decorative cane. He is blind in one eye where a large scar is seen.   Companions: Nezu Boss Kazuya Kusuke, Nezu Boss Zera Yukio.   Known Allies: The Nezu Mafia.   Known Enemies: Yakuza, Kusagakure   Weapons: S, Morning star, melee, +28, 4d8+28 piercing. Armor: S, light armor, +7 AC. Equipment: ???.   Known Abilities: Animal combat, taijutsu, Kenjutsu, Kinjutsu. Chakra nature: Earth. AC: 45. (38.)   Max HP: 520. (640.) Hit die: 30d8+400. Chakra die: 30d10+400. Max chakra capacity: 550. (700.) Speed: 50ft. Initiative: +14..   Actions: 6 Major, 6 minor, 6 reaction, 6 attack.   4 stat points at E-5, +2 for every level after. 54.   Power: 30, +10. Dexterity: 24, +7. Charisma: 15, +3. Wisdom: 15, +3. Intelligence: 20, +5.   Fighting style: Aggressive. Save DC: 15 + stat modifier.   Optional stats, apply if present or needed. Resists: Slashing. Immunities: Bludgeoning, force. Weaknesses: ???. Special abilities:   Undying: Upon reaching 0 HP, the user makes a saving throw. The DC they must beat is equal to any damage they would have taken beyond 0 HP. If they pass their save, the user remains at 1 HP.   Taijutsu Expert: If you would receive damage from using Taijutsu you can reduce that damage by half. pow saves targets make against your Taijutsu have disadvantage.   Sentinel: When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack, the creature’s speed becomes 0 for the rest of the turn. Gain 5ft reach on all weapon attacks. When an enemy within reach targets an ally for an attack, you can make an opportunity attack against them as a reaction.   Second Wind: Once per day the user may restore themselves 5 hit die worth of Temp HP.   Savage Attacker: Once per turn when you roll damage for a melee weapon attack, you can reroll the weapon’s damage dice and use either total. Your weapon attacks also inflict the Bleeding effect on your target on critical hits.   Techniques known: 89.   E: 16. 3 hit combo, Acid Trap Hole, Beast fury strikes, Binding beast jutsu, Double Slap, Eye jab, Front Slice, Hammer shot, Karate Chop, Low Cut, Payback, Pursuit, Raccoon feint technique, Repulsion jutsu, Shoulder charge, Tunneling fang,   D: 20. 5 hit combo, Air Lightning Strike, Beast combo strike, Beast substitution jutsu, Chakra Punch, Chakra Weapon Enhancement, Dark Pulse, Double impact wolf fang, Dynamic marking, Hammer toss, Hidden Power, Hilt Strike, Mega Punch, Night Slash, Pet cooperation execution, Phantom Force, Pimp slap jutsu, Repeated beast strike, Revenge Counter, Seismic Toss,   C: 19. 100 Foot Punch, 10 hit combo, Acid rain, Amputation Punishment, Bomb Thrust, Brute Force, Cherry blossom impact, Claw Blitz, Darkness Wave, Fanged pursuit jutsu, Full counter, Heaven Twin Fang, Klavier, Leech slip, Low blow, Meat Tornado, Mouse Hairball, Paralyzing chakra field, Slobber knocker,   B: 14. 20 hit combo, Absolute fang over fang, Beheading prison chop, Chakra Weapon Infusion, Cherry blossom crash, Cursed silence, Doom Desire, Fang Missile, Jaw Splitter, Lariat, Middle age attack, Nutbreaker, Spirit Shackle, Suikawari,   A: 10. 1000 Foot Strike, 50 hit combo, Crushing Decapitation, Cursed Speech Seal, Dragon Tail Kick, Forbidden technique Impure destruction, Giant Swing, Iron Claw, Projection Technique, Spinning fangs technique,   S: 10. 100 hit combo, Absolute Cancel, Chained Prison Explosion, Explosion, Fang wolf fang, Final Gambit, Mad dance of the infinity punch, Onibi, Ruination, Straight punch,


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