Kiriko Nozawa

Name: Kiriko Nozawa. Known Aliases: ???. Rank: C-2. Bounty: 3,500. XP: 2,500.   Wanted by: ???. Crime: ???. Specialty: Crowd Control. Nationality: Tsuchigakure. Last seen: ???.   Description: Short dark haired woman, tan skin, blue outfits.   Companions: ???.   Known Allies: Tsuchigakure, The Crimson Cross.   Known Enemies: ???.   Weapons: ???. Armor: C, Light armor, +4 AC, 1 resistence. Equipment: 4 C rank puppets. AC 24, HP: 180. 3 attacks   Known Abilities: Puppetry, Genjutsu, Magic. Chakra nature: wind. AC: 24.   Max HP: 190. (235.) Hit die: 15d6+145. Chakra die: 14d12+144. Max chakra capacity: 228. (312.) Speed: 50ft. Initiative: +9.   Actions: 3 Major, 3 minor, 3 reaction, 4 attack.   4 stat points at E-5, +2 for every level after. 30.   Power: 12 (+1). Dexterity: 16 (+3). Charisma: 14 (+2). Wisdom: 18 (+4). Intelligence: 20 (+5).   Fighting style: ???. Save DC: 11 + stat modifier   Optional stats, apply if present or needed. Resists: 4. mental, toxic, force, slashing. Immunities: ???. Weaknesses: ???. Special abilities: 3.   Evasion: When the user makes a dex save for half damage, on a success the user instead takes no damage.   Critical Targeting: You may lower the die requirement for critical hits by 1. (if it was 20, 19's on the die now count as crits) Those who are struck by one of your critical hits lose 10ft of movement.   Protective Fighter: When a target makes a melee attack against a target within 10ft of you, you may user your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll.   Transformations: Runic Awakening.   Techniques known: 49.   E: 16. Air raid, Chakra string technique, Confuse, Enlarge/Reduce, False Clone Jutsu, False surroundings, Illusion of Burning, illusion of lost power, Illusion of Impending Death, Manipulating assault blades, Puppet chakra shield, Puppet Wind Slice, Slow, Spewing Puppet Shot, Stunning spell, Suggestion.   D: 19. Air raid shot, Butterfly needle fire, Drowning in water genjutsu, Feather Fall, Genjutsu Break, Machine Impact, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Nightmare, Poison Dust Cloud, Poison Senbon Stream, Puppet Jet Shot, Puppet Master Jutsu, Puppet Substitution Jutsu, Ransotengai, Sticky Chakra Threads, Stop, Warp.   C: 12. Ally reversal, Bionic Punisher, Counter Spell, Flash of light genjutsu, Focaga, Human-puppet Master Jutsu, Multi puppet master jutsu, Mute, Pair of Puppets Explosive Combo, Regen, Silence, Tongue Tied Genjutsu.   B: ???.   A: ???.   S: ???.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kiriko Nozawa was born on march 20th of the year 171 of the second era, 20-03-171, 2E to a shinobi couple, mothered by Sakura Toru, and fathered by Seiji Nozawa. Though both of her parents are shinobi, that was never a goal for Kiriko. Her youth was one of many struggles with both of her parents being away on missions often and leaving her unsupervised and providing for herself from a very young age. She became very self sufficient early in her childhood because of this and when her parents had her enrolled in the academy, she focused primarily on entertaining herself, studying and training herself using both her academy materials and the books and scrolls her parents had.   She found that while she was perfectly capable of fighting she didn't care for close combat, instead she preferred ranged combat and the manipulation of objects, genjutsu and puppetry were clearly favorites of hers and when she graduated at 13 years old she was immediatly placed in a combat focused squad that she worked with for many years. Upon becoming a chunin at 16 she would be begin assisting the crimson cross with the capture of criminals and dangers to her village, quietly retiring from most shinobi duties while still remaining active in the defense of her homeland.   In the 8 years she has worked with the crimson cross Kiriko has helped with the capture of a large number of criminals and has become very close with Rikou Hisada.


Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Date of Birth
Dark green, sharp.
Mid length, dusty orange hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
115 lbs.
will of stone
Aligned Organization


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