Land of Earth

The land of Earth is a region of the north-eastern section of the main continent. Within its borders are several small villages as well as a few larger ones. The land is mostly mountainous with many large chasms and caverns making the area especially dangerous to those unexperienced with navigating it. The country is run primarily by the feudal lords of the land who use their shinobi mostly as a means of military control.


The land of earth is a land of mountains and chasms, there are many dangers in the area from large cliffs to near endless cave systems and a large volcano. Not many plants survive in the area without adapting to it but the plants who due survive here are incredibly potent and flavorful or incredibly toxic.

Localized Phenomena

Because of the high volumes of mountains and chasms in the region, many experience a small phemonena known as Rock Rain where pebbles, stones and occaisonally even boulders rain down onto villages or lands in the area making it difficult to grow crops and injuring small children and animals.


Its mostly warm with cold nights and light winds but can get very dangerous in the winter months where ice holds many dangers in tight spots.

Natural Resources

There are many metals and ores that can be found in the area along with several times of gems, wood can be scare as can herbs but there is an abundance of large animals and many fish on the shores making it possible for people to thrive.
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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