Rikou Hisada

Name: Rikou Hisada. Known Aliases: ???. Rank: C-4. Bounty: 2,000. XP: 1,500.   Wanted by: ???. Crime: ???. Specialty: Healing, Support. Nationality: Tsuchigakure.   Last seen: Tsuchigakure.   Description: Light Brown, long hair, silver eyes, tan skin, wears soft colors and light makeup.   Companions: ???.   Known Allies: Crimson Cross, Tsuchigakure.   Known Enemies: ???.   Weapons: C, blow dart, 10/150ft, +13, 2d4+25 piercing, DC 18 pow vs poisoned. Armor: (C) Light Armor, +4 AC, +1 resistance. Equipment: ???.   Known Abilities: medical, senjutsu, ninjutsu. Chakra nature: earth. AC: 23. (19.)   Max HP: 165. (217.) Hit die: 13d8+100. Chakra die: 12d10+100. Max chakra capacity: 172. (232.) Speed: 75ft. Initiative: +7.   Actions: 3 Major, 3 minor, 3 reaction, 3 attack.   4 stat points at E-5, +2 for every level after. 26.   Power: 12, +1. Dexterity: 15, +3. Charisma: 13, +2. Wisdom: 20, +5. Intelligence: 16, +3.   Fighting style: Support. Save DC: 11 + stat modifier.   Optional stats, apply if present or needed. Resists: 2. Necrotic, Toxic Immunities: ???. Weaknesses: ???. Special abilities: 3.   Evasion: When the user makes a dex save for half damage, on a success the user instead takes no damage.   Regen: At the start of initiative, each round, the user regains 1/10th of their max HP.   Twin Cast: When using a technique that targets a single foe or uses a line range the user can select a second target that is also hit.   Transformations: 2.   Brain point.   Techniques known: 41.   E: 15. Acid Shot, Acid Wave, Arm shield, Chakra bandage technique, Danger Sense, Energy Ball, Healing spit, Mystical Power, Nature's Gift, Poison bullet jutsu, Poison Clone, Poison extraction technique, Necrosis Technique, Sage Art Dust Cloud, Substitution Jutsu   D: 13. Acid Bullet, Acid Burst Shot, Afterimage Dodge, Debris Siphon Jutsu, Leech Life, Minor healing jutsu, Paralysis cure technique, Poison bullet barrage, Poison Cloud, Purify, Purifying Gas, Solar Flare, Spare the dying technique,   C: 13. Afterimage Strike, Anti-Venom Injection Technique, Cellular Regeneration Ejection, Energy Shield, Engulfing Poison Technique, Giga Drain, Great Acid Wave, Great poison bullet, Healing jutsu, Megaton Punch, Mist of respite, Solar Beam, Toxic Golem creation   B: ???.   A: ???.   S: ???.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rikou Hisada was born on June 7th of the year 169 of the second era, 07-06-169, 2E, to two very normal parents, mothered by Rumi Yamada, and fathered by Daisuke Hisada. Though both of her parents were civilians the family was able to provide for themselves well enough between her father's work as a weapon smith and for most of her youth she was very happy.   As she grew older it became clear that as much as Rikou loved her parents she favored her Aunt, Ruka Hisada, over all others. Ruka was Daisuke's younger sister who had grown up choosing the life of a shinobi before deciding to focus on a career as a bounty hunter. Upon returning from a job Ruka would often dote on her niece and spoiled her rotten. Throughout her years Ruka had caught a large number of criminals and gained a small level of popularity within her village, all of which she would exploit for her Rikou's benefit, she had even enrolled Rikou in the academy on her 7th birthday as a surprise to even the girl's parents.   Though Rikou's parents rarely approved of Ruka's way of spoiling their daughter, they were a very happy family and knew that Ruka meant no harm. Rikou idolized Ruka and quickly took after her ways, coming home and telling her parents all the things she learned on adventures or at the academy, even "teaching" her mother Rumi some basic chakra control and lessons from the academy or helping her father with his work while she ranted and raved at length about all the cool things she learned.   Though Rikou was very determined on becoming as strong and cool as her aunt was, she was faced with a harsh reality very quickly. Ruka's fame had spread as time had passed and with a few major catches she had been considered one of the top hunters in her guild, The Crimson Cross, and had made a large number of powerful enemies. One of those enemies, a captured criminal, escaped confinement and sought to kill Ruka whent they discovered her bond with Rikou. This criminal, a man named Kotaru Kazeki, broke into Rikou's home after she had returned from a day out with Ruka and meant to kill her but she was thankfully saved by Daisuke, who upon hearing a strange noise, found the criminal attempting to attack his young daughter, aged 8, and used one of his weapons to pierce the man's chest from behind killing them instantly.   This incident of course traumatized young Rikou, who became fearful of being alone or dark places, even her studies at the academy began to slack and she found she was distancing herself from her beloved Aunt Ruka. She still loved her aunt greatly, but now the stories of her enemies and actions were closer to reality and no longer the safe, fictional stories she had heard growing up but talesof evil men, monsters and the deaths of innocent people. As this reality set in Rikou decided to focus on medical techniques and learning how to help people using herbs and supplies like the weapons and armor her father sold. During this time, largely because of her studies and desires to learn more she became reclusive and spent little time around even her own family.   When Rikou was 9, her aunt Ruka went on a mission targeting a figure that had been recently spotted in the village under the name Whirlwind, though little was known about him other than he wore clothing from the land of Iron and had a glowing red eye, the sharingan. During this mission Ruka would be captured and has never been seen again. This loss would shake the Hisada clan to its core, though they knew the dangers Ruka faced the thought of her not returning had never been more than a fleeting thought, but as months and months passed with no word, no contact at all, it became clear that she may never return. Rikou however refused to believe that her aunt was dead, and after trudging through despair she found a goal to cling to, she would become a powerful shinobi, find Whirlwind and rescue her aunt.   This became her motivation, her goal in life as she refocused her efforts. She would begin studying and practicing until she graduated the academy at 11 years old, and began working as a medical shinobi. Though she would focus her efforts on healing and helping her allies, she knew that she must also be prepared for combat and couldn't let herself go into battle unprepared. Since becoming a genin she has had many battles, grown in strength and become a very capable healer to her team mates. Shortly after becoming a chunin at 17 she began working for the crimson cross, her beloved aunt's former guild.   Though she has had little information about her aunt over the past 16 years she has come across a number of sightings of the man and has enlisted the help of her comrades to take him down.


Lawful Good
Current Location
Date of Birth
Sharp, silver
Long, straight, brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan skin color
130 lbs


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