Training Exercise

General Summary

Just after accepting the graduates as being his students Aki had to return to his home Village, Sunagakure, to finalize the process of joining the alliance. In his place a representative from the leaf would be taking over for a temporary training exercise, Macho Savage, the champion of the leaf and one of the 5 sannin. With him would be his own student, Sabishi's rival from the academy. Kenshi, a white haired orphan that excelled in the academy.
  Sabishi challenged Kenshi immediatly and despite being beaten Kenshi proved himself skilled enough to be a great ally. Macho led the party into the woods where he taught them how to survive, track, hunt and make use of ones surroundings to keep themselves safe and hidden from any threats.
  In this time as each student set off on their seperate hunting adventures Kiyoko beheaded an albino Elk with her wood style before bringing its body back to camp. Macho Savage taught her how to skin the animal and make use of as much of the creature as possible without having to attract much attention.
  Sabishi battled a young owlbear cub and though he was injured and tired from the long journey back to camp he was able to carry his vanquished foe back to camp where Macho taught him about how to care for the meat so it didn't go bad or begin to rot.
  Saiyuri befriended an Elk in the woods and began to even ride it before it suddenly ran through the woods, causing her to fall off near a river, where a nude kenshi appeared to be taking a bath or brief swim. When left with the option to save his ally from a dangerous fall or to grab his clothes Kenshi made the decision to spare his shame and covered himself. Thankfully however, Saiyuri was able to catch herself though it meant the deer was able to escape into the woods.
Report Date
11 Jul 2022


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