Kiyoko Akemi (Kee-oh-ko)

Kiyoko Akemi- Akemi (a.k.a. Hancha)

Species: Human. Size: Medium. Age: 14. World: Earth 2. Timeline: 1. Clan: Akemi. XP: 35,000. Rank: C-3. Village: Otogakure. Bounty: ???.   Personality: Kiyoko is a very quiet but bold character, often observing and planning her next move over making any claims or taking action outright. She is also a kind hearted individual to those she likes or cherishes, but will become more introverted towards those she dislikes rather than showing any obvious distaste for them.   Description: Kiyoko Akemi is about average height for a girl her age, with short and messy blue hair and brilliant, green colored eyes. She often is clad in robes with a sense of modesty and simple fashion. Most times, Kiyoko will fashion her outfits with a yellow bow that she cherishes from a childhood toy.   Carrying capacity: 150lbs. (+25lbs for each point in power above 10) Chakra nature: Wood, Water, Earth. Combat style: Mid-range, restraint, support. Background: Outlander. Saving throws: Power, Intelligence. Ryo: 11,695.   Skill Proficiencies: Stealth, Sleight of Hand*, Chakra Control*, Survival*, Investigation. Weapon proficiencies: ???. Armor proficiencies: ???. Tool proficiencies: ??? Vehicle proficiencies: ???. Game proficiencies: ???. Musical Proficiencies: ???.   Hit die: 12d8. Max HP: 151. Chakra die: 12d10. Chakra capacity: 238. Nature Energy: 119. AC: 23. Speed: 60ft. Proficiency bonus: +4.   Initiative: +9. Inspiration: (4) 3. Factions: Shinobi United, Team 1, Daitan's Empire. Death Save DC: 12.   Equipment: ???. Head: (D) Protective mask, +3 AC, +2 POW. Body: (C) Scale armor, +4 AC, resistance to bludgeoning. Left arm: (C) +12 Chakra receiver Spear, 2d10+12 piercing, +1d10 toxic dmg. Right arm: ???. Accessory 1: (D) Ninja headband, +3 AC, +2 wis. Accessory 2: (D) Genjutsu counter necklace, +3 mod on any genjutsu saves. Accessory 3: (D) detachable sleeves, Advantage on grapple saves.   Backpack: 5 +12 throwing knives 3d4+12 piercing, (C) 3x Paralysis Poison Vials, DC 18 POW, two uses each. 1 chakra receiver, 1 empty scroll, Glass doll (smoke levitation 2x per day.) Chakra bracelet, Fox anbu mask. 1 food pill, 1 paper bomb, 1 sleep bomb, 3 E-rank rope kunai (100ft), 3 D-rank burst kunai 50ft cone, 4d6 piercing.     Stats & Skills:   Power: 18 (+4, +8).   Athletics: +4.   Endurance: +4.   Grapple: +4.   Dexterity: 19 (+5).   Acrobatics: +5.   Sleight of hand: +13   Stealth: +9   Wisdom: 17 (+4).   Animal handling: +6   Chakra Control: +12   Insight: +4   Nature: +4   Perception: +4   Sensory: +4   Survival: +12   Intelligence: 14 (+2) (+6).   Crafting: +2   History: +2   Investigation: +6   Medicine: +2   Religion: +2   Tactics: +2   Tracking: +2   Charisma: 9 (-1).   Deception: -1.   Diplomacy: -1.   Intimidation: -1.   Performance: -1.   Persuasion: -1.   Seduction: -1.   Combat Abilities: 35.   Animal combat: 0. Fuinjutsu: 6. Genjutsu: 0. Insect use: 0. Jinchurikki: 0. Kenjutsu: 3. Kinjutsu: 0. Magic: 1. Medical: 0. Ninjutsu: 16. Puppet: 0. Senjutsu: 17. Sexjutsu: 0. Space-time: 0. Taijutsu: 1.   Main actions: 2. Minor actions: 1. Reactions: 1. Attacks: 1.   Transformations: ???.   Resistances: ???.   Immunities: ???.   Feats: Feats: Observant, Actor, prodigal asshole,   Botanist: Gain +1 wisdom, +1 intelligence. You can speak with plants and plant based enemies are less hostile towards you. When attacking a plant based enemy, deal an extra 10 damage on all techniques you cast against them.   Fey Blood: The user has fey, or elven blood in their veins. The user can double their life expectancy, gain +1 magic and a +3 bonus to saves against being charmed or controlled.   Once per day you can compel an enemy to duel you, those in compelled duels focus only on attacking you and vice versa. In a compelled duel each competitor makes only melee weapon attacks or other weapon based abilities/techniques. If someone from outside interferes in your compelled duel, the duel and all benefits from it disappear.   Enemies you hit while you are in any senjutsu form must save vs the stunned condition. DC 10 + chakra control.   Gain advantage in insight against enemy ninjutsu.   You can enter any senjutsu form as a reaction.   You can gain an extra 3 chakra die in nature energy on short rests.   gain advantage on checking for traps and barriers.   Gain expertise in chakra control if you didn't have it already.   Seals placed on willing targets double their duration.   You can use scrolls as a reaction.   You can sense when one is lying as well as the emotions or feeling of living objects near you while in a nature transformation.   Ninjutsu can add chakra control skill modifiers to total damage.   When hit with a ninjutsu you can add your chakra control modifier to any save you may make.   Gain advantage on your chakra die rolls. x2   Resistance to Piercing, psychic damage.   You can speak to animals.   While in a senjutsu enhanced state you can add +2 to your power, and Dexterity.   You can charge as a bonus action.   While in a senjutsu enhanced form you can deal an extra 2 damage die to any technique you perform or melee attack you make.   While in a senjutsu form you gain +3 AC.   You can access an advanced nature transformation that gives the user advantage on saving throws for the duration, all chakra is transformed to nature energy, the user gains 5d10 +medicine HP at start of each round of combat. 25 per round, nature energy.   If the user charges chakra they recover both nature energy and regular chakra.   You can craft E rank weapons & equipment.   You can imbue your chakra into weapons or items you possess.   Techniques known: 66.   E:25. Transformation Jutsu, Ball of light technique, Beak enhancement, Branch binding technique, Chakra Lock On, Chakra Suppression Technique, Detection Barrier, Deceptive cooperation genjutsu, Hidden Location Barrier, Hidden Mist Jutsu, Hidden Mole Jutsu, Mayfly technique, Nature's Gift, Protection seal, Sealing jutsu, Speed enhancing seal, Stockade creating technique, Strength enhancing seal, Tearing Blade Drop, Technique Enhancement, Water Pillar Thrust,Wooden tool creation technique, Wooden transformation jutsu, Ventriloquism Technique, Chakra Seal   D: 17. Afterimage Clone, Binding Syrup Chains, Chakra absorption seal, Clone trap jutsu, Confinement barrier, Cutting sprigs jutsu, Earthquake Slam, Jutsu Absorption, Regeneration seal, Rejuvenation of life, Seed signal transmission, Sexy Jutsu, Spirit Gun, Tree leaf explosion, Water Prison Jutsu, Weighted Boulder Jutsu, Wood Clone jutsu, Wooden spike ring jutsu,   C: 20. 4 pillar house, Altering Terrain Technique, Blinding Bubbles Technique, Cellular Regeneration Ejection, Chakra siphon seal, Domed Wood Wall, Grudge Rain , Jet boost jump, Kikoho, Lightened Boulder Jutsu, Lightning Rod Technique, Orchard Emergence jutsu, Reverse Petrification Technique, Petrification technique, Piston Fist, Sinkhole Jutsu, Splinter storm jutsu, Wild Water Wave Jutsu, Scroll Communication Technique, Substitution Flurry.   B:   A:   S:   SS:   Y:   Z:   ZZ:   Techniques available: 15 + proficiency bonus per level.   Mission Record:   E:   D:   C:   B: 13. Acid Permeation, Bubble Clone Jutsu, Destroying Axe Fist, Dropping Lid Technique, Fissure Jutsu, Mental Resistance Technique, Mud Wall Maze Technique, Parasitic Clones, Piston Fist Jet Power, Rainmaker Jutsu, Regenerating Earth Dome, tree of damnation, Paralysis Jutsu, Vine Golem jutsu, Shuriken Shadow Clone.   A:   S:   SS:   Y:   Z:   ZZ:   Techniques available: 1   Memories:  
by Vivi
by Vivi
by Vivi

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kiyoko has a small sized scar on the lower left side of her face. This is from a previous battle in which she was burned.

Physical quirks

Dark Teal hair

Special abilities

Wood Style Chakra   Sage Mode

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kiyoko lost her family after the nine tailed wolf attacked her home village.   She was taken by Otogakure shinobi and raised as the Otokage's child and subordinate.   She was given personal lodging and was expected to "train", in which she now knows were scientific experiments performed, in reality.   She befriended Itachi and his pet weasel while growing up in the village, spending time pulling pranks together and having fun whenever the kage would give her time to be outside.   After some time passed and Kiyoko grew a few years older, she became a Genin level shinobi and was then swiftly dismissed from her home land to work under a new foundation that claimed to bring peace about the world. They were known as The Shinobi Alliance, and according to the Otokage, shared similar points of view regarding the harmony of the world.   Upon Arriving at the Head Quarters of the Alliance, Kiyoko met her newly formed team: Aki, Saiyuri, Sabishi, and Kenshi. Although she didn't know why, Kenshi had a sort of odd familiarity to her.   Team 1 passed through Aki's trial and defeated some of his puppets in combat. Kiyoko helped saiyuri and knocked two down, but got cut by a mildly poisoned blade in the process, which she shortly recovered from.   Team 1 went on a mission with Macho Savage of the Leaf Village, training under his guidance for a very brief period. During this time Kiyoko strengthened her bonds with Saiyuri and began to learn more about who her other team mates were as people.   While Kiyoko was doing a training exercise with Macho while the rest of her team left on a hunting party for everyone to eat. It was during this time that her team mates ran into and befriended Itachi Miriki and his pet weasel, Taiyo.   During a later time in the mission with Macho, Everyone set out on separate paths for another hunting trip. It was during this that Kiyoko found a white stag. It stared at her for a few moments before she decided that it was necessery to kill it in order to sustain the party for another day.   Whenever Team 1 returns to Head Quarters they receive another mission, located in Otogakure, regarding poachers within their sanctuary. The team briefly departs foe the mission and it is there that they are able to track down a party that followed behind a known swordsman of the mist, Hanzo Rigeki.   After some confrontation, Hanzo's followers fled the scene and he was swiftly restrained by kiyoko using her wood style. Kenshi and Sabishi started to taunt Hanzo, challenging him to combat. After some time of this, Kiyoko released her restraints on Hanzo, allowing him to accept Sabishi's challenge. The two fought well against one another until Kenshi tried to intercept combat and take Hanzo on himself. However, Kenshi failed and was swiftly knocked down. He gave into his temptations for power and allowed the Nine tails to control him, losing himself to rage.   Kiyoko and the team tried to restrain Kenshi in his cloaked form, each attempt seemingly failing until they were all grabbed by each of Aki's individual puppets and reverse summoned to Head Quarters.   The arrogance of the young Uchiha and Kenshi unnerved Kiyoko, as she couldn't help but wonder: why did Aki allow the boys to combat? Did he know that Kenshi was a Jinchurriki? What is the true meaning of peace to this team? To the Alliance?   Kiyoko sees Hanzo back at HQ as well as a new face: a young boy with white hair, but he was taller than the average boy for his age.   Hanzo was told by a Yamanaka woman that he was basically stuck with HQ because staying around the ordeal involving the nine tails was too much for a child to mentally handle in her accordings. Kiyoko, however, disagreed and stayed behind to look over her fallen comrade who rest in the med bay. During this time she would read books and reflect upon all of the mishaps from their recent missions.   Thankfully, to Kiyoko, news that her sensei was fine after confronting Kenshi and the tailed beast as they returned to HQ. However, to their dismay, Kenshi was now comatosed, barely clinging on to life. Would the team carry on without Kenshi?   After her team returns as well as Aki, and he informsher of a grand kage summit just before their arrival in regards of the Nine Tails, who was now sealed somewhere, hidden in the building.   During the summit Kiyoko did her best to formally greet all of the kage and their subordinates before the summit held place. The members of team 1 all remained quiet throughout the meeting until Sabishi chimes in regarding why the snow village hid knowledge of the nine tails location and the jinchurriki's existence. To this, the mizukage declared war on the snow village and the nordic isles offered a competition between shinobi known as the chunin exams.

Gender Identity

Gender Identity Female.


Sexuality: Bisexual.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Kiyoko has achieved a form of Sage Mode.   Kiyoko has the wood style kekkei genkai.

Personality Characteristics


The ideal of creating a better world, by any means necessary.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Tea, Mint, Floral Scents, Yellow, Green, Nature, Books, Writing, Meditation, Sweets, pranks, Saiyuri Shima, Hanzo Rigeki, Birds.   Dislikes: 9 Tailed Fox, Spinach, Jellies, Daitan, Flashy/Vibrant colors, Doctor visits, Prisons, Mizukage, Genjutsu, Sleeping in.

Virtues & Personality perks

Virtues & Perks: Always tries to find a better alternative to situations.   Cares deeply for those she surrounds herself with on an emotional level if given the opportunity to properly bond with said person(s).   Good listener.   Great at stealth for most of the time it is needed.   Observant.

Vices & Personality flaws

Vices & Flaws: Mistrustful.   Always puts people before herself when it comes to safety.


Hygiene: Very clean, changes clothes and sheets daily and makes her bed. Refuses to let any cleaning services pick up after her, as she feels it is simple enough to do on her own.


Contacts & Relations

Contacts:   Shinobi Alliance   Hanzo Rigeki   Ryochi   Daitan   Iriku   Relationships:   AkiHiro- Sensei.   Hanzo Rigeki - Crush, Best Friend.   Ryochi - Father (Adopted her), Sensei, Kage.   Saiyuri Shima- Best Friend.   Sabishi Uchiha - Rival, Team Mate.   Other Affiliations:   Daitan.

Religious Views

Religious Views: Grew up believing in The Will of The Sound, however, upon hearing of the sage of six paths, has began to explore other religious virtues.

Hobbies & Pets

Pets: Emai, the Hawk.   Hobbies: reading, writing, meditation, hiking, studying, pulling pranks.


Kiyoko Akemi

Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Saiyuri Shima



Saiyuri Shima

Best Friend (Important)

Towards Kiyoko Akemi




Kiyoko and Saiyuri met when the both of them arrived at the Shinobi Alliance Headquarters. Saiyuri was practicing her smoke style while waiting for others to arrive for the first meeting of Team 1. Kiyoko had approached the building, and in turn was greeted by Saiyuri. At first, the two were hesitant to speak too comfortably, but once they had gotten through their first few missions together, it was clear that a friendship had began to form. Through many months, the two genin would fight side by side along with Team 1 in the name of peace. There had also been plenty of moments when the girls would spend their free time doing activities together, thus strengthening the created bond. Soon, Saiyuri had called Kiyoko her best friend, and while she struggled to return the words, Saiyuri knew that Kiyoko felt the same about her. Some time passed, however, and Kiyoko seemed to grow distant, slowly, but surely, from the rest of the team and her best friend. And eventually Kiyoko seemed so busy with their separate business that Saiyuri rarely got to speak freely with her at all. Eventually, during one mission gone wrong in particular, Kiyoko found herself stepping into a cave after days of hiding. It was there that she came upon each of her team mates, including her best friend, bound. The assailant threatened their lives if Kiyoko wouldn't willingly part ways and leave the small island with them, left to be unseen for the untold future by the rest of the world..

Nicknames & Petnames


Relationship Reasoning

Team mates

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They both use Seals in combat amongst their separate capabilities.   They both smoke giggle bush.   The two of them like to mess with the rest of the team in minorly annoying ways.   Both are patient.

Shared Secrets

Saiyuri once told Kiyoko during a mission in Otogakure that the reason she had become a shinobi was not only because she was interested in combat or fighting for the greater good. She wanted to be strong enough to protect those she cared for and loved if such an event every occurred.

Shared Acquaintances

Sabishi Uchiha, Aki Hiro, Hanzo Rigeki, Yoro Hatake, Benjiro Akimara, Asami Yuki, Macho Savage, Yukiterru Hatake.

Kiyoko Akemi

Crush (Important)

Towards Hanzo Rigeki



Hanzo Rigeki

Crush (Important)

Towards Kiyoko Akemi




Kiyoko Akemi first met Hanzo Rigeki during a mission to find a group of rogues from the mist who had taken to the animal sanctuary within Otogakure. Because of this, many of the wild life had been slowly hunted down, including the sacred white stags. Team 1 had made themselves hidden for a prolonged stake out until Hanzo, the youngest swordsman of the mist, came across them, leading the group of rogues who turned out to be civilians. The civilians dispersed in different directions fearfully, while Hanzo battled Team 1. Eventually, he was apprehended and returned to HQ with the team. It was there that he was told he could be forced back to Kiri or stay and work for the Alliance, to which he reluctantly accepted the latter option. At first, Hanzo was tense and aggressive towards everyone else, insulting and trying to find ways of harming them. It took some time before he and Kiyoko would stop arguing as often and begin finding common interests and spoke on more friendly terms. As time continued forward, the Kiyoko found herself feeling an odd sensation in her face and stomach when around him, which eventually turned into her heart racing while talking with him, and somehow keeping a straight face. Whenever Kiyoko left the team, she worried the most about Hanzo, seeing how harmed his body had already been made by Daitan's underling.

Relationship Reasoning

Team mates

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both enjoy hiking   both spend time doing hobbies together that they enjoy   They both have water style chakra.   They both smoke giggle bush.   The two of them like to mess with the rest of the team in minorly annoying ways.   Both like pulling pranks.

Shared Secrets

Shared Acquaintances

Sabishi Uchiha, Saiyuri Shima, Yoro Hatake, Hibiki Shima, Aki Hiro, Ijiri, Meiji Nii.

Kiyoko Akemi

Disciple/student (Important)

Towards Aki Hiro



Aki Hiro

Sensei (Important)

Towards Kiyoko Akemi




Aki Hiro met Kiyoko when he first met the rest of Team 1. During this meeting, he tested each student by means of combat with his puppet use. Whenever the team finally overcame the challenge and moved forward, Kiyoko and Aki stayed on neutral terms as student and sensei. She would poke a few jokes at him with the other team members every so often, but did hope to see great leadership skills from him. However, he continued to show minute group leadership capabilities, or so that is how she was made to perceive him through his actions. Whenever she decided to try and extend one last olive branch of hope for him , she became his disciple and studied seals under him for some time, learning new techniques along the way and thus gaining more respect for him that she would unfortunately never be able to express. Whenever Kiyoko was separated from Team 1, she didn't fault him for her being taken. She knew that he had been busy and this couldn't be helped.

Nicknames & Petnames

Kiyo   Yoko

Relationship Reasoning

Student and Teacher

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both enjoy nice weather   Both like tea   Both use Seals in combat   Aki teaches Kiyoko Seals   Both prefer peaceful methods of dealing with things

Shared Secrets

Shared Acquaintances

Sabishi Uchiha, Saiyuri Shima, Yoro Hatake, Hibiki Shima, Kenshi Hatake, Macho Savage, Aki Hiro, Ijiri, Meiji Nii.

Kiyoko Akemi

Subordinate (Trivial)

Towards Daitan Kiruku



Daitan Kiruku

Superior (Vital)

Towards Kiyoko Akemi




Kiyoko first met Daitan at the end of an underground, cavern maze, where he attacked Team 1. Whenever they managed to escape, however, Kiyoko found a letter addressed to her, to which she responded by sending a clone to speak with him in secret, unknown to her team. Daitan swayed her to come as her true self rather than a piece of wood clone later on. Whenever they would meet again was after Team 1 was imprisoned in Kirigakure. He offered the safety of Team 1 in exchange for free reign of opening her memories and peeking inside. It was at the time many secrets were unveiled to the both of them. After this, he offered her a position as a subordinate and disappeared. It wasn't long after the Team escaped prison that Kiyoko was kidnapped by one of his personal underlings and brought forth to him on an nonexistent island. He has kept her there, prisoner and subordinate since then, forcing her to perfect sage mode over time and help with his misdeeds.

Relationship Reasoning

Subordinate and Superior

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both use seals in combat.   Both have a means of changing the world   both believe in the sage of six paths

Shared Secrets

Shared Acquaintances

Ryochi Kazetana, Iriku, Nori Akiko, Atem.

Kiyoko Akemi

Team mate

Towards Sabishi Uchiha


Sabishi Uchiha

Team mate

Towards Kiyoko Akemi



Kiyoko first met Sabishi when Team 1 was first formed and went through their first trial together against Aki Hiro's puppets. At first she admired Sabishi's visual prowess against their enemies. Once she had been subjugated to his sharingan capabilities during the chunin however, that admiration turned to a fear that she would shortly begin trying to study ways to counter. Though Kiyoko had many nice encounters with Sabishi, she had also recalled some times where he had seemed more cold than the naive boy he had acted like all along. There were times he questioned her methods regarding handling situations with peace rather than combat, as it seemed an easier method. However, Kiyoko didn't intend on an easy method, because earning someone's trust isn't an easy feat. To coerce someone into calmness and finding a reasonable solution rather than violence was one of great patience to overcome, and it seemed that nobody had an ounce of patience to do such things.

Relationship Reasoning

Team Mates   Comrades

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both enjoy nature walks   Both are good at combat tactics   Both come from troubled pasts   Both have kekkei genkai

Shared Acquaintances

Aki Hiro, Saiyuri Shima, Yoro Hatake, Ijiri, Ryochi Kazetana, Hanzo Rigeki, Meiji Nii.

Kiyoko Akemi

Childhood Friend (Vital)

Towards Itachi Mikiri



Itachi Mikiri

Childhood friend (Vital)

Towards Kiyoko Akemi




The two first met during one of the few times young Kiyoko was released from "training and studies" to explore the village of Otogakure. She was new to the village, with no recollection of parts of her recent past, which has been assumed as a result of traumatic stress. Kiyoko was wandering nearby her residential building whenever she heard the off key of a melody being played by a young boy dressed in bright colors. Alongside him was a playful little weasel who was dancing from side to side. The boy caught Kiyoko watching and invited her over to listen, introducing himself as Itachi and the animal as Taiyo. Kiyoko in turn introduced herself, coming across a bit too preserved, as she did her best to follow her teachings from Ryochi and his subordinates in regards of socializing. Itachi found her odd behaviour humorous and over a short time, eased her into being more like herself. Little did Ryochi know his daughter would end up being a mischievious prankster who ran rampant in the village whenever she was allowed access outside in the future. Itachi and Kiyoko spent time making many memories together, from making music, to their pranks, to speaking about the deeper things happening around them or to them. Whenever Kiyoko and Itachi grew to be genin, Kiyoko was assigned to leave the village, and although they were sad during their departure, Itachi assured his friend that all would be well and that he would be ready to hear of her journeys when they met again. Little did they know that the next time this happened, it would be under mysterious circumstances. Itachi was found hidden months later outside of the village by team 1 who informed Kiyoko about the boy. As soon as Kiyoko realized who they were speaking of she rushed to meet him. A wave of relief washed over her knowing her friend was physically well, but unfortunately, to their dismay, Itachi's team was apprehended by an unknown assailaint. The team investigated this issue for Kiyoko's friend, and eventually found a lab hidden underground with vital information. However, nobody ever shared that information with Itachi before Kiyoko was inevitably taken away by Daitan's underling.

Nicknames & Petnames

YoYo   Yoko   Tachi-Sama   Chi-Chan

Relationship Reasoning

Childhood friends

Commonalities & Shared Interests

music   nature   walks   pranks

Shared Acquaintances

Taiyo the weasel, Sabishi Uchiha, Kiyori, Saiyuri Shima, Hanzo Rigeki.

Kiyoko Akemi

Team mate

Towards Yoro Hatake


Yoro Hatake

Team mate

Towards Kiyoko Akemi



Whenever Kiyoko first saw Yoro, it was right after returning from a huge battle with the nine tailed beast after escaping it's jinchurikki host, Kenshi. Yoro presented himself as a preserved and quiet individual, thus never really giving Kiyoko or others much insight or understanding to his character. It wasn't for many months that Yoro would finally begin to open up just slightly. While Yoro does make jokes every so often these days, he is still silent for the most part, leaving an opinion unformed of who Yoro is to Kiyoko.

Relationship Reasoning

Team mates

Commonalities & Shared Interests

nature   animals

Shared Acquaintances

Sabishi Uchiha, Aki Hiro, Saiyuri Shima, Hanzo Rigeki.

Meiji Nii


Towards Kiyoko Akemi


Kiyoko Akemi


Towards Meiji Nii



Kiyoko and Meiji Nii met in Kirigakure prison where Meiji Explained that he had been apprehended on account of being a spy. During their brief time spent together before escaping with each other and the rest of the group formed by Team 1, Meiji became close with Saiyuri and regarded her as a dear friend. However, he often poked fun at Kiyoko, in an attempt to be playful which often came across more cruel than intended at times. Kiyoko was patient and often disregarded Meiji's insults, however.

Relationship Reasoning

Prison escape

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Nature   Animals   Giggle bush   Snacks   training

Shared Acquaintances

Sabishi Uchiha, Yoro Hatake, Aki Hiro, Shirobu Oso, Saiyuri Shima, Chiyo Akimichi, Ijiri, Hanzo Rigeki.

Kiyoko Akemi

Adopted Daughter (Important)

Towards Ryochi Kazetana



Ryochi Kazetana

Legal Guardian (Vital)

Towards Kiyoko Akemi




After a group of shinobi returned to Otogakure from a mission, they arrived at the kage's doorstep swiftly and quietly, with a young girl in tow. Ryochi, curious about the child, had her brought in for observation. After some time with her, he adopted Kiyoko as his daughter and has since been her primary guardian. Though, unbeknownst to her, her life has been a series of tests. Even with his questionable actions, Ryochi showed great care for Kiyoko. The two would often wander the underground of the village, where she remembers hearing a soft humming melody. Whenever Kiyoko began to age, she took an interest in the outside world and was heavily distracted by her studies and serving Ryochi as well as Otogakure. He had caught word that an alliance was formed some years after this, claiming to spread the word of peace just as Kiyoko and Otogakure dreamt of doing for so long. Kiyoko easily accepted this offer, excited to move forward and teach the ways of her people to the lands, however cold towards Ryochi. In the time that had passed before her leaving Kiyoko had been desparate to find answers about her history, her village, and family. Nonetheless, there wasn't a single soul in the village who could offer any answers, and Ryochi seemed to act oddly when she asked about it. The last time Ryochi saw Kiyoko was when he revealed something of importance to her, and for the first time in a while hugged her adoptive father. Kiyoko has her suspicions towards Ryochi, but still has a mix of emotions on whether or not that incentive may be entirely right.

Nicknames & Petnames


Relationship Reasoning

Kiyoko was brought to Ryochi

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Spreading peace   meditation   reading   studies   walks   nature   animals

Shared Secrets

Shared Acquaintances

Aki Hiro, Sabishi Uchiha, Hanzo Rigeki, Saiyuri Shima, Yoro Hatake, Ijiri.

Himitsu Kenpachi

Mother (Vital)

Towards Kiyoko Akemi



Kiyoko Akemi

Daughter (Vital)

Towards Himitsu Kenpachi




After Himitsu Kenpachi settled down with Kiyoshi Akemi within the Village Hidden by The Sage, They had their first and only child on a warm summer evening. They would name their daughter Kiyoko Akemi, similarly to her father's own name. As Kiyoshi would attend to duties as normal, Himitsu took time away from helping around the village to tend to their child in his absences. However, the pair greatly loved one another and their little family. As Kiyoko grew, Himitsu would often take her to the gardens in the village, allowing her to explore as she tended to the crops and vegitation with the other Kunoichi of the village. Since the Nine Tails attacked the village, Himitsu and Kiyoshi have been assumed and pronounced dead, leaving Kiyoko orphaned and to be later taken in by Ryochi Kazetana of Otogakure.

Nicknames & Petnames

Kiyo   Koko   Dewdrop

Relationship Reasoning


Kiyoshi Akemi

Father (Vital)

Towards Kiyoko Akemi



Kiyoko Akemi

Daughter (Vital)

Towards Kiyoshi Akemi




On the evening that his child was birthed into the world, Kiyoshi was confident that his child would be the beacon of hope for the future of their clan. However, Kiyoshi was always confident in himself to such extents. Because of this idealation He felt it only appropriate to name their daughter Kiyoko, seeing nothing but purity within her. As she grew over time, Kiyoshi did his best to be around for his kid between missions, wanting to form a strong bond with her despite his business outside of the village. He would watch over her as she played outdoors or wandered off on her own, also. Often times, he would humor her with ridiculous jokes and small tricks using his wood style chakra nature. Kiyoko Loved her father, just as much as her mother, despite the limited time they had gotten to spend with one another. She would ask him many questions about things she wished to learn, despite her mother being the more knowledgable one out of her parents. Perhaps it was that she liked his positive outlook on things and found comfort within his words, whereas her mother was serious and more honest about some of the cruelties of the world. It was a tragedy whenever the two disappeared after the attack on their home village, but Kiyoko will always remember the warmth in her heart regarding Kiyoshi, even if she cannot quite recall what he looks like now.

Nicknames & Petnames

DewDrop   Kiyo-Chan   Yoyo   Musume

Relationship Reasoning


Kiyoko Akemi

Team mate (Trivial)

Towards Atem Kubo



Atem Kubo

Team mate (Trivial)

Towards Kiyoko Akemi




Atem and Kiyoko first met after she had been brought in by Eriku, one of Daitan's subordinates, to work underneath of him. Since their first meeting, Atem has had little success on getting to know Kiyoko as an individual, even only knowing her by her alias, Hancha. Kiyoko felt indifference towards most of Daitan's other subordinates, Atem included, until he and their peers had proven to be just as disastrous as Kiyoko had heard them to be. She now feels a level of disdain towards Atem, yet remains indifferent in her mannerisms around him.

Relationship Reasoning

Both of them work for Daitan

Shared Acquaintances

Daitan, Eriku, Nori, Katsu, Takuma

Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Trying to clear her name.
Date of Birth
Parents (Adopting)
Green, oval-shaped, soft.
medium, dark teal, wavy.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Beige white
Quotes & Catchphrases
Famous Quotes & Catchphrases:   "I'm gonna unpack all of that emotional confusion sometime later."   "When every pillar is reinforced with strength, they hold the weight of the world together, making them all the more powerful under a chain of command. But one cannot simply put things in place and watch as they withhold all of that pressure. The stone will be weathered away with time and cracks will begin to chip away the stability of their foundations if not left in check and reinforced regularly. By simply watching and allowing those pillars to break, you are allowing room for the existence of chaos, throwing off the natural balance of things. Your pillars will break and crumble apart; and then what is left to hold the weight of the world in perfect balance?" -Kiyoko Akemi   "sometimes there are mistakes made that are too great to move on from. It is not their fault. But it once was. And it will be one day. The people of this realm will suffer in an eternity. Always different people, burdening the consequences of a mistake of a single person they have no semblance with. Some would call it divine punishment. Others would call it karma. Some would call it unfair. But perhaps "Hubris" would be the better description for it. To meddle with forces beyond your control and pay the price across all of existence. How terribly human."
Will of sound
Aligned Organization
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