Underboss Lio Hokoro

Name: Lio Hokoro. Known Aliases: Underboss Lio, Lio. Rank: B-1. Bounty: 25,000. XP: 20,000.
  Wanted by: Kusagkure. Crime: ???. Specialty: Crowd control. Nationality: Kusagakure. Last seen: Kusagakure.
  Description: A tall man in his 30's, he is typically seen wearing fine robes, has tan skin and a long purple ponytail, he has an eye patch from an old battle over his right eye.
  Companions: ???.
  Known Allies: Nezu Mafia.
  Known Enemies: Kusagakure.
  Weapons: B, flail, 30ft reach, +19, 3d8+19 bludgeoning. Armor: B, light armor, +5 AC. Equipment: ???.
  Known Abilities: Fuinjutsu, ninjutsu, senjutsu. Chakra nature: Water. AC: 29. (24.)
  Max HP: 329. (413.) Hit die: 21d8+245. Chakra die: 20d10+245. Max chakra capacity: 345. (445.) Speed: 50ft. Initiative: +11.
  Actions: 5 Major, 5 minor, 4 reaction, 5 attack.
  4 stat points at E-5, +2 for every level after. 42.
  Power: 14, +2. Dexterity: 22, +6. Charisma: 18, +4. Wisdom: 18, +4. Intelligence: 20, +5.
  Fighting style: Defensive. Save DC: 14 + stat modifier.
  Optional stats, apply if present or needed. Resists: Mental, piercing, thunder. Immunities: ???. Weaknesses: ???. Special abilities: 3.
  Evasion: When the user makes a dex save for half damage, on a success the user instead takes no damage.
  Improved Critical: The user gains a +1 crit modifier, when rolling damage for a critical hit, reroll all 1's.
  Second Wind: Once per day the user may restore themselves 5 hit die worth of Temp HP.
  Techniques known: 58.
  E: 10. Barrier shield technique, Chakra draining seal, Chakra Seal, Confinement barrier, Energy Ball, Hidden Location Barrier, Kotan Zanshun, Perimeter Barrier, Spore Burst, Substitution Jutsu
  D: 15. Barrier drop, Barrier Shield Zone, Barrier Shuriken, Clone trap jutsu, Healing Barrier, Jutsu Absorption, Reflection Barrier, Regeneration seal, Santen Kesshun, Sealing jutsu, Spirit Ball, Spore Infection, Surface Walking Technique , Water Bullet Jutsu, Wind's Curse
  C: 18. Air Bubble Technique, Armor Eater Technique, Barrier Release Technique, Barrier Shuriken Storm, Barrier Slam, Chakra Beam, Chakra siphon seal, Great Capturing Barrier, Green Flames technique, Grudge Rain, Jutsu reflection seal, Scroll Communication Technique, Senjutsu absorption seal, Solar Beam, Soten Kisshun, Spore barrage, Substitution Flurry, Water Walking Technique,
  B: 15. Acid Permeation, Barrier Crush, Barrier Talisman, Blue Flare, Four Flames barrier, Full Power chakra beam, Labyrinth Barrier, Memory Seal, Moon Blast, Needle Hell, Sage Art Thunder Blast, Shiten Koshun, Spirit Wave, Tetragram Seal, Toxic Barrier,
  A: ???.
  S: ???.


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