Evàsùl - The Destroyer of Ships ([eɪ:væ:suːl])

Few seafaring tales terrify the average sailor more than that of the Evàsùl, a Wind-driven tower of swirling Waters that devours or destroys everything within its wake. Yet there have been few recorded experiences of encounters with one. In this short parchment, I aim to unravel this Elemental manifestation as best as I can, and hopefully help any learned shipmates should you believe you are faced with one.  

The Meaning of the Name

The term Evàsùl is the shortened form of the technically-correct Foyiitùn word Aevousùl. It was likely shortened over the years to something more pleasant to pronounce - or easier to say in the stress of the moment. With that in mind, the word components become much clearer:  
  1. Aev: from Aevyen, translated as "Air", or Aevyten, translated as "Wind"
  2. Ous: from Ousii, translated as "Waters"
  3. ùl: from hùl, translated as "void", "utter destruction" or "oblivion".
  It takes no creative genius to discern, then, what the term Evàsùl was intended to convey.  

What, then, Is an Evàsùl?

I will explain this via a land-based equivalent, so that the new researcher, or younger mind, can understand it easily. The concept of the "swirling winds" or "unnatural winds" is known for most land-based folks. For those who are not Myst Sensitive, they all appear to be natural occurrences. While some are, others are the result of disruptions to Aevyen which manifests as Aevyten ('living Air') and at least one other Element, commonly Erdé.   An Evàsùl is the oceanic version of the above, except that it is usually Ousii which accompanies Aevyen.   The most noticeable difference, however, is that an Evàsùl is defined as "Half-Water, Half-Wind", as opposed the land-based versions that manifest mostly as moving air.
Chronicler's Note:
"Knowledge is for all, but not all knowledge can be understood, save for the capability (and desire) of those already possessing said knowledge in how they impart it to others".

So said one of my lecturers in my earlier days studying in the Byantē Alliance. To paraphrase, everyone should have the chance to learn about all things, but whether they do or not depends on the teacher's abilities - and whether they truly want the hearer to understand.

The Sailor's Myth or Improbable Reality?


For the Myth

Evàsùls (or, more correctly, Evàsùlii) are a myth to seafarers, with any sailor having claimed to see one being disbelieved and ridiculed. This is despite that most of those who are likely to witness one would be sailors, captains and seafearing merchants.  
"There are sufficient dangers on and under the waves. These are seen multiple times on any sailing. Your focus, then, has to be on ensuring a rational fear of real dangers, such that preventative measures are taken. This is more productive than encouraging irrational fear around manifestations that often neither the teller - nor the hearer - have experienced."  
Captain Jaiséni
Former Byantite Squadron Leader
Supporting this view, many false stories of Evàsùlii have been used to secure valuable locations through dissuading less-than-brave crews from discovering them. Captains - especially those in the armed naval fleets - often also look to suppress stories (or "rumours") that could damage morale.  

For the Reality

While it is true that an Evàsùl is extremely rare, the primary reason witnesses - actual or no - of the manifestation rarely survive the encounter.   From what scant records there are about Evàsùlii, the ones deemed "natural" break ships up as a Dragon does a branch and tosses people far, wide and deep causing untold suffering for land-based relatives. Once-wealthy merchants lose their investments and villages awaiting supplies go without much-needed food.   There is also evidence in the way inventors are researching "extreme weather events" to aid merchant and naval vessels. The prototype of the Aevyen Redirector not only "cuts through wind" and "stirs wind" but was also undergoing testing for how to adjust its function when environmental winds were more condensed than those in the redirector. Given the Elemental Density is only surpassed by actual Elemental Shards and Crystals, the levels they are discussing are far beyond what any reasonable person would call "natural".   But the "unnatural" ones are more chilling to read about. I found one account in a rare tome I commissioned Natex Alchemitech to find. Here is an abstract translated into Parànti:
"...and thus I resigned myself to more days on this island, as I had no other passage back to the mainland.   I only wish I had had that transportation. Just yesterday I witnessed a storm like no other just East of here. Swirling winds as though the Elements were mixing up the ocean as one would a soup before serving. My island of refuge was doused in wave-upon-wave of Waters and I was forced to dig myself into a hole to avoid being sucked in.   From that cold place I made out a ship failing to turn from the storm. I could not assist them, for I am no spell-weaver - if I were I would not be writing this now! And writing is hard enough with hand-paws.   But, as I watched the unfortunate vessel be swallowed mercilessly by the wind or water's rage, it was not flung in the air. It was not sucked below the surface (I swam to that point today, as it was not far). It simply vanished. What a waste! I could have made a raft - Elements forgive my selfishness. Immediately after the vessel was "swallowed", the intensity of the storm increased multi-fold before, moments later, dissipating.   The sun came out, and I emerged from my hole. There was no rain, no wind, no flotsam, no survivors, nor washed-in bodies. No evidence at all, that there was a storm. No sign either that once there was a ship.   If that...thing does not have a name, my people would call it a 'hells on water', Hùlanousii. I call it Aevyousi'ùl"   Author: (known only as) "The Kyadd of Zelvér"
Title: Aja'sivraté ("My Memories")

Waxing and Waning of an Evàsùl

Whether purely instigated by nature, or some though the influence of mages, how an Evàsùl grows and calms is the same.  

How it Waxes

Much as a Myst Sensitive must retain a certain level of Elemental Balance, the aggravation of an Evàsùl is caused by any factor creating more imbalance. For example, if the volume of water, the strength of the currants and the speed of the tide remain constant, but the wind becomes more powerful, then the Evàsùl becomes more destructive and covers a wider area. If the wind around the tornado remains constant but the behaviour or makeup of the water changes, the Evàsùl gathers more water to itself, which may threaten to sink ships it has not yet swallowed, or flood nearby ports.  

Waning: Spellcraft

Past Crystal Circles documented the following:  
An Evàsùl, being comprised almost entirely of Ousii and Aevyen, lacks most of the remaining Primary Elements. The sole exception to this depends on how much of the seabed it has drawn into itself.   Thus, to calm and Evàsùl with magicks alone, the Crystal Mages of Ormà, Ethkiel and Fyr must raise the ethereal level of their element within the storm, while the Mages of Ousii and Aevyen work to reduce the influence of those Elements. Only if progress appears slower than expected should the Crystal Mage of Erdé add their spellcraft. The reason for this is that some of the seabed, including rocks, shells and other natural cast-offs may well be swirling in the mass of Water and Wind. This being the case the rate that Erdé is increased must be more gradual than those of Ormà, Ethkiel and Fyr.

Waning: Natural

Note: Into this document, I am absorbing what other nations called "sea circles" or similar. As mentioned, the Evàsùl in the forms described here were not supported or believed in. However, due to them appearing in like manner, Elemental fluctuations have similar effects on the normal "sea circles" as the Evàsùlii.
Due to the destructive nature of an Evàsùl, whichever nation is most threatened usually intervenes through spellcraft or forms of "practical alchemy", a method too detailed to include in this document. What follows then, is based on land-based eye-witness accounts and what has been observed from The Lens.    

Natural Realignment

Some Evàsùlii are so strong that they draw in all air movement around them. When this occurs, it becomes greater in size (as indicated above) and ferocity, but soon expends its energy. As the proportion of Aevyen falls, the Evàsùl's balance shifts towards Ousii, with the results already discussed, but quickly shrinks in size until there is no more Aeyven, allowing the Ousii to fall back into the sea.

When an Evàsùl Makes Landfall

Unfortunately, making landfall is effective in the ceasing of an Evàsùl. However, it is not difficult to imagine the destruction and loss of life from such an occurrence. Only one such record exists from the earlier days of the Queendom of Shevezz, which led to their swift development both of Elementally-charged tools and sturdier walls around the city.   The reason landfall stills an Evàsùl is that Erdé is automatically included in the mix. Ousii slowly falls as there is less ocean for it to claim and, with geological barriers and people-crafted structures, Aeyven is less free to circulate, opening up the way for the sunlight to shine on it (Ormà and Ethkiel). It appears that Fyr may not be required if Nature is calming itself down, but the Shevezzi records do show that, once the storm caused fires, it rapidly lost strength.  
Chronicler's Note:   And this is vastly different to the land-based ones, where additional Erdé influence aggravates the storm and, if Fyr is involved, one has to hope for unnatural rain, or the storm's destruction could take generations to repair.
The Evàsùl appears in the prelude of my second book, Wrought. As I haven't got the first book out yet, I don't know when the second one might start to be made public. I had half-written information about this storm ages ago, so Summer Camp just encouraged me to get it done.
Article Sections
Locations of Reported Sightings
Predominant Elements
Ousii, Aevyen (as Aevyten)
Metaphysical, Elemental

Alternative Type
Natural (both are possible)

Elemental Information
Elements (with a capital 'E') usually* not found in Evàsùlii
  • Fyr (contradics Ousii, at least while ocean-bound)
  • Ethkiel (is passive)
  • Ormà (cannot be influenced by Aevyen or Ousii, only distorted by them).

Frozen Ocean Example

Thanks to some hardy researchers, accompanied by seasoned hunters and survivalists, a land-based "Evàsùl" was witnessed on the so-called Frozen Ocean.
Territory Boundaries: Qal'ath Ikà Doon
While Book 1 does not cover this entire World, this is the context which Books 1-2 finds itself in. This is the area referred to as the "Known Lands", a term found in Book 1.
Ousii and Aevyen create ice under the right conditions or at the right temperature. With the Frozen Ocean being so far North, and beyond settlements, ice-classified tornados have been recorded in the event future generations can safely venture into that wasteland.

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Image Credits
Image was created from two separate AI generations (the storm was one, the ship was another) using Text2Image on Canva.com. I have no other way to credit those.   However, both the storm and the ship have been edited by myself.

Read Other Works:

Fallen Down of Nectar Glen

Skirmishes and Schisms

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Coloured Pencil Drawing © FJ Brodie of The Desolation of the Crystal Vale, a myth in the Chronicles Of Qal'ath Fantasy Fiction writing
The Desolation of the Crystal Vale by FJ Brodie (Me)


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