Tolmyr Sands ([tɒl:mɪə sandz])

Tolmyr Sands is a micro-desert that sits exactly due West of Bezélan and outside of Qalathian territory. Being on the same geographical line as the Capital of Qal'ath, it does not share the same temperatures or sand storms of Sablesand Dunes. However, it is as dry and lifeless.  

The Meaning of the Name

Tolmyr is derived from two Foyiitùn words:  
  • Toli(i): exile(s)
  • Myr(t): death/dead
  It takes no great intellect to derive its meaning from there.  

Previous Names

It seems this place - as far as our records go - has always had a Qalafoy name. What is more intriguing is that the spacing has changed over time.   Fragments of notes and records show it had been known as Tol Myrsands, even as recently as 219AFD. This significant, because instead of the place that brings about "exiles' deaths", it was, in fact, the Exiled Deadsands. Given much of this microdesert is grey grit or dirt, calling it "dead sand" makes sense.

Tolmyr Map

Territory Boundaries: Qal'ath Ikà Doon
While Book 1 does not cover this entire World, this is the context which Books 1-2 finds itself in. This is the area referred to as the "Known Lands", a term found in Book 1.
Indications are that the word "Tol" could have also been interpreted to mean "outsider" or "just beyond". If you then join this to the fact that it lies "just beyond" Qal'ath's border and Tol Myrsands is just a descriptor, with no underlying or threatening message.  

Why Was It Called Tolmyr?

Tol Myrsands, at some point, became Tolmyr Sands - and there is no particularly-defining moment recorded for that to have taken place.   Qal'ath has gone through periods of never exiling people, to doing so and back again. This depended on the ruler of the period.   However, it seems the name was changed to become a warning that:  
"…if you exile someone here they will die. Or it is highly probable they will.   Unless a convict is truly worthy of such a painful death (which is not a debate for this papyrus), and exile must be enacted, even seaward is preferable to Tolmyr Sands. The sea will throw people back onto land. The desert consumes all and is never satisfied."  
Signed: "G. a. O."
That appears to have been a note written from a Crystal Circle mage, though we cannot date the document. We know this from the "unofficial" lastnames which Circle Mages have often employed down the years:   a. O. = an Ormà - the Guardian "of the Crystal of Light".


Tolmyr Sands is classified as a "Grit and Dust" desert, rather than a sandy one - despite its name. That said, nature scholars have remarked on a small, but notable presence of actual sand which may have been deposited here.   The origin of the "sand grit" is thought to have been created by being blown in from the Grànousii-an-Ormàszil Ocean from the South-East (Sùd-Estàn), where a small camp known simply as Yi-Kyadii can be found.

Grey Sand?

Despite being called "Sand", as we just saw, much of it is dirt and rock grit. Why then the name of Tolmyr Sands?   As well as the "dead sand" reference, an unusual phenomenon occurs at Tolmyr. During bright sunlight or Harvest Dawns, whichever rock mostly comprises the dust of Tolmyr reflects in varying hues of yellow. At these times, it can seem as though this micro-desert is not only golden, but also has no end. In these conditions, the surrounding cliffs become hidden by the glare of the reflection.   It is due to this effect, that Carnael II tries to exile people during Summer, when Harvest Dawns (which have no relevance to when any crops are harvested) are more prevalent. The "unending wastes" function either as a pure threat or as actual punishment.

Tolmyr's Use at 553AFD

While appearing similar to his father and predecessor, Carnael I, his son has an entirely different approach to law-breakers. Or perceived law-breakers. His father preferred rehabiliation and education, along with continual behaviour monitoring for approximate one Ana or so.   Carnael II is the type that prefers punishments, threats and imprisonment. Though, to his credit, he finds capital punishment distasteful and dissatisfying. Thus Tolmyr Sands is often threatened as a punishment, where he reminds the accused of its original meaning.   After 545AFD, Carnael II began exiling many from his Realm. Even biased sources admit that this was to build a nation not only subjected to his rule, but that was expected to keep only to his views.
Chronicler's Note: No one was actually exiled here until the failed Kyadii incursion of 545 AFD (documented in the manuscript entitled Skirmishes and Schisms by The Chronicler). This occured when Rusziné was accused of standing with the Kyadii and refused to kill the group's leader when ordered to by the King.
Article Sections
Owning Principality
None (Neutral Territory)
Bordering Principalities
Bevérohii's territory extends to the end of the Viàtoli, but is not sufficiently westward to border Tolmyr.  
Classification of Desert
Grit and Dust Desert
Dominant Elements
Always: Erdé
Rarely: Aevyen

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