Natex Alchemitech ([nay:teks alkemItek])

Natex Alchemitech (simply referred to as Natex) is the name of an Elelupii Alchemy and Technology company that has multiple divisions and aims. At the core of all its projects are the founding principles of ingenuity and profitability. It did not support mass production, unless it was a product unique to Natex, even if it were profitable. Inventions were left as prototypes if they could not be turned into a profit - or pursued as hobbies by their employees.   But it is far more than a simple, hidden-away venture in the corner of the Verdant Hills, for its reach ripples beyond mere monetary transactions.  

The Meaning of the Name

Where some tradespeople name their businesses after themselves or their family, Natex's founder, Fafa, decided on a different approach. Originally, what is now known as Natex Alchemitech was solely Natex Farm, where "Natex" was an abbreviation of "Natural Technologies".  

Why "Natex" Was Chosen

Their team's primary focus at the time was harnessing nature to further technological - or scientific - knowledge, without simultaneously destroying nature.  
"What good would it be to use, and rely on, nature's resources only to destroy them in the process? To inflict permanent damage on nature is to damage our society, reduce the richness of Savàni and undermine the profits you had intended on making."  
Ygyg Momodan, 535AFD
"The Root of the (Business) Problem" Page 53
  The Farm itself was, in fact, a traditional-looking fine, albeit one with unusual, or experimental crops. And, while the company sought ingenius applications of alchemy, it did not seek to create new species, or tinker with existing ones. Even the supply of resources from animals and birds came from even those having just died, or were hunted carefully and without causing undue stress for the creature.   At Natex's inception, they paid their bills through new medicines, tinctures, therapeutic serums and poison purgers. Once word began to spread about their developments - and above all, the quality of their products, clients began to petition them with a broader spectrum of requests. A few examples are:  
  • Fyrous (or Firewater), a strong drink that gives the imbiber a pleasant burning sensation as they swallow, was an invention of Natex Farms.
  • Adventurers, Mercenaries and even the Qalathian Army purchase special oils from Natex that reduce wear and corrosion of metals in armour. Such was the demand, that extra hands were employed to solely focus on meeting orders while also experimenting to improve the product.
  • The Inter-peoples Development Division also devised substances which, when applied to potentially-historical artefacts and stone, was able to give an approximate age of the relic. While Natex admit the technology is still in early development, the Bezélian Archives have worked closely with the Elelupii to refine it. This is done through testing substances on documents known to have been written around the same time, but have little or no historical interest.


While Natex Farm is also a working farm that supplies both the local markets and provides ingredients of Natex's in-house researchers, the real coin is made in its laboratories, which are built into the western cliff face and underground.   Under the careful management of Fafa, Natex rapidly expanded from being a mostly liquid solutions lab to the technological driver of much of Qal'ath's territory.  

Inventions and Life Enhancements

But it would do the whole organisation a disservice to attempt to discern its influence before admiring its impact for the Elelupii and across the whole of Qal'ath.   Natex were instrumental in many new systems and inventions, but here are some particularly-notable ones:  
Grip-Cart Track
Deemed an early-form passenger system, the Grip-Cart was dug into the Verdant Hills and its rough tracks laid between the main Elelupii settlements and Natex Farms. It pulls carts through pulley systems, driven by the windmills around Bevérohii and the waterwheels of Far View and Fishend. It is called a "Grip Cart" because the carriages and carts are not self-driven. Their wheels have more in common with gears than "pure circles", better to ensure they hold firm and do not slide off the track in difficult weather or changeable wind speeds. This system has enabled goods to flow more easily - and quicker - to and from the Verdant Hills, boosting trade with nearby principalities. The applicable research division is focussing on how to harness Wind Shards to power the windmills on calm days, when the Grip-Cart is only powered by waterwheels, which leads to substantial delivery delays.
The Lens
The Lens was a break-through for Natex and the Crystal Circle. For the company, it was the first time they had worked with mages, a previous taboo for an research-based society. It was only after the Circle demonstrated evidence of their capabilities that the Elelupii accepted a new fact: Evidence may exist where process is unexplained or unknowable. The Lens was no ordinary scope, for it could scan beyond physical structures, enabling the Guardian Mages to be aware of events beyond Qal'ath's borders.
Chronicler's Note:
I recommend reading the full document on The Lens as there is room here only for a summary.
Aevyen Redirector
Working with researchers in the Byantē Alliance, Natex scientists helped devise the Aevyen Redirector. Initially harnessing Wind Crystal Shards and later, manufactured copies of the Shards, Redirectors were fitted to the sterns of ships and had the power to "Cut the Wind". Making up for the often inefficient aerodynamics of both trade- and military boats, the Redirector forced breaches through oncoming winds. This drastically reduced journey times. As the early-form Redirectors were expensive to make (let alone sell), priority in peace-time was given to goods ships where the smallest delays could make the wares they carried unsellable.

Business - Power over Livelihoods

As Natex grew, so did its reputation and influence. This occurred around the same time that Bezélan Minor was completed and populated. With the prospect of new markets popping up in the new poor-people's district, Carnael II brought in some Elelupii advisors from Natex, to improve the Evaluator system.   Upon completion, a number of Natex employees, and indeed Fafa himself, became Evaluators. These were inspectors of trade goods who could make or break someone's life based on assessments of their wares. This led to them being the most feared authority figure for merchants, despite them technically holding no political power.

Gold for Mages

Pure gold, or true gold, is known to be one of the best metals for conducting certain Elemental abilities, most noticeably those involving Fyr and Ice (Ousii and Aevyen). For a long time, Natex Alchemitech were the sole providers of tempered pure gold, or Melfyòrm in Foyiitùn.   This gave the company significant time with mages, learning of their weapons and adornments - and quietly took over almost all trade lines in Melfyorm. By becoming, to most folks anyway, the sole supplier of a metal often required, Natex held a negotiating card over their mage clients. Through this, they were able to secure access to ancient relics, which in turn proved valuable assets when negotiating with richer clients.   However, late into 552AFD, gold ore began to dry up from the so-called "Authorised Mining Zones", despite strict laws covering over-mining. With apparently no obvious reason for this issue, Natex looked further afield, experimented with other metals and even started devising their own replacement alloy. Well into 553AFD, they still have not achived the level of ethereal or elemental conductivity required by the mages with whom they have agreements.
Chronicler's Notes:

By "Mage" here, I am almost certain the Elelupii only dealt with Authorised Mages. If they did business with unauthorised ones, it would be off-record and a barter transaction to as not to be seen to break the law.   But, given how profit-oriented Natex were - and are - it seems against their own principles to deal with UA's.   As an aside, Natex would not have had business relationships with the Crystal Circle either. Putting aside the fact that the Circle Mages had their own concerns, the Six's costs were covered by the Treasury. Natex naturally had agreements and trade agreements with the Treasury, the Four and the overseer of the Royal Guards.

Realm-wide Influence

Everything Natex companies do is above-board and legal. They have never used bribes or attempted to buy their way into social circles. However, business (in the Elelupii's minds at any rate) bridges the gap between people who may not get along - or worse - might be at war with each other.   This attitude has seen them strike deals with other nations and between nations, where such links may have been previously seen as improbable, if not impossible.
"Everyone needs something they cannot provide for themselves. Everyone has something that others need.   While only temporary, commerce joins those two people together in an agreement, though they hold naught else in common."  
Ygyg Momodan, 535AFD
"The Root of the (Business) Problem" Page 39
  These days, it is thought that Natex, as well as those former employees now working as Evaluators wields significant influence in the higher reaches of Qalathian leadership, with even The Four. The Four were tasked with record-keeping, financial oversight, communications and ensuring the Realm was held in high esteem both inside it and to other nations.   Natex argued that these principles were no different from those in the marketplace and were thus "under advisors", if you will, to the Four, though not in all matters. Issues of security, military and anything pertaining to the King directly, were out of the agreement struct with Natex.   But, through business and a broad network of contacts, Natex influences the thinking of the Qalathian leadership, have won funds for research projects and enjoy greater trading freedom in the capital, Bezélan. As to their actual reasons for working at gaining such esteem and influence, very few know. And those that do aren't sharing them.

Profitable Ingenuity, Protecting Nature

Article Sections

Natex Farm

Natex Alchemitech is based primarily at Natex Farm, on the border connecting Bevérohii and the Byantē Alliance.   While it may seem a small geographical area, most of the organisation's laboratories and meeting rooms are either mined into the hillside or below ground level.
Qal'ath Ikà Doon Region Map
My "core" region, which includes Qal'ath, The Forest of Doon and The Verdant Hills - Bevérohii. These areas are the focus of book one of The Chronicles of Qal'ath.

Trade and Advisory Pact

Research Alliance

Natex holds a different status with the Byantē Alliance than that of their nation, or Qal'ath. Instead, the business and its various divisions have a Research Alliance with the scientists and Byantite educational institutions. While usually amicable, Byantē has expressed disappointment in a lack of cooperation for new scientific leads, if a way to profit from them is not clear from the early tests.

Cross-border Trade Permits


While officially "Neutral", it is Natex who are taking tentative steps into negotiating witht he Woodsmen, who usually only undertake barter transactions.   With their focus on making profit, the Woodsmen have no perceived need of Natex's services, but have found no reason to turn away any delegates sent to speak with them. Though the research business is forbidden from taking any material - naturally-fallen or not - from the Forest.

Read Other Works:

Fallen Down of Nectar Glen

Skirmishes and Schisms

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The Desolation of the Crystal Vale by FJ Brodie (Me)


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