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Baron Faylock †

Baron Faylock

A shrewd and conniving artificer and former Skallen Syndicate conman, Baron Faylock earned a minor baronage title as part of his candle making business enterprise. Faylock was an active member of Rosethorpe society since the 1030s and was removed from the Skallen Syndicate in 1045 after their alignment with slavers in Theygor.   Baron Faylock was the namesake of the Faylock conspiracy, and the ring leader of the cabal of criminals, capitalists, and minor-nobles to take control of the Lord of Rosethorpe’s council and distribute as much wealth and resources to its members, taking much needed supplies away from the general population of the Rose’s holdings. A powerful mage, Faylock used his mastery of enchantment magic to create items to control his marks, and created a powerful Ring of Dominate Person which he slipped onto the finger of Lord Roland Rose III, and used this to fully amass power, becoming the de facto ruler of Rosethorpe in the process.   Faylock was captured by Doomed 2 Die in 1052, and was executed by Lady Alana Rose three days after his arrest. The Half-Elf criminal’s impact on Rosethorpe has had major repercussions, with one council member and Salia Rose  executed, Friar Kelvin exiled, and Lord Roland Rose III declared insane and sent to Weeping Halls Asylum.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Faylock was born in Jameleska, and became involved with the Skallen Syndicate in 1022. His skill in enchantment magic was noticed by the guild, and he used his talents in conning to earn enough wealth to attend Rosencrantz college, advancing his arcane skills and dabbling in artificing.   Working with both the Storbaer syndicate and using his wealth to run a candle making business as a money laundering front for the organization, Faylock became a senior member of the syndicate by the end of the 40 year war. Faylock ran numerous war charity scams to con the high society out of their ancestral wealth, something which was not revealed until his documents were discovered by Horsha Lenn and Alana Rose during his trial.   Faylock left the Skallen Syndicate in 1045 when he and a handful of others were forced out by a change in management. Quistas of the Theygor branch of the syndicate had ascended to running the local chapter, and had forged an alliance with the Tundra baron to provide thralls, breaking the syndicate’s age old code of ethics.   Faylock instead focused on a new private venture and began to amass power and contacts within Rosethorpe to accumulate vast wealth. He was later promoted to chancellor of the Rosethorpe council and began to use his contacts to gain incriminating information on his fellow council members. Faylock slowly used his influence to control the council and get his resource allocations and tax breaks passed. When Salia Rose began to liberalise the agenda and held her father’s ear, he used his rings of dominate person to control the lord and force Salia out, replacing her with Alana Rose, someone he thought he could control.  

Conspiracy unravels and Death

  Faylock’s conspiracy began to unravel with the involvement of Doomed 2 Die, who began to piece together his influence on the council. Faylock’s full plan was uncovered by the party with the aid of Horsha Lenn, Alana Rose, and Friar Kelvin.   This resulted in a final coup, with his closest ally Farrick Dume murdered and he was captured, put on trial and executed. When the Rose Militia searched his brownstone house, they uncovered hordes of documents revealing the depth of the conspiracy, and how the local syndicate had turned to slavery.


Faylock held a first class honours degree in Enchantment and Magical Engienering from Rozencrantz College in Jameleska, how much was down to talent and how much was from bribery or coercion is unknown.


Contacts & Relations

Skallen Syndicate

Faylock claimed to have been high-ranking within the Skallen Syndicate, documents recovered from the syndicate's former hideout beneath Storbaer do confirm he once held prestige. He was considered important enough for the two to declare a permanant truce and division of territory when they parted ways, with Faylock never interfering in Skallen business and the Skallen staying out of everywhere north of the River Lel.   Faylock's Skallen tattoo was kept hidden through illusion magic, one of this rings routinely cast minor illusion over the tattoo area, ensuring nobody unexpected would discover his former occupation.  

Rosencrantz College

Faylock was a former student of Rosencrantz and was a major donor to the college's trust. He had earned a plaque and bust of honour in Candlehall, but this was removed following his execution. The plaque in the administration centre remains up.
Status Deceased   First Appearance: Session 39, The Miserables
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Faylock held a minor barony title within Rosethorpe, granted a small area of land as ancestral around his workshops and his brownstone.
Between 50-60 years old
Date of Death
7th Endstarre
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
Castle Rose
Brown, thick, greased back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Appearances: 3
  • Session 39: The Miserables
  • Session 40: A Bath of Mystery
  • Session 41: Fall of Faylock
  • Session 45: Skallen Betrayed (Mentioned Only)


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