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Cult of Dagon

A dark cult dedicated to the Elder God of the uknowable depths, the Cult of Dagon were responsible for trying to summon the elder god Dagon from the Bay of Gwenydd during the 1050s. Led by Ebony, the dark clone of Azura, the cult's base in Ynnsmouth was destroyed by Doomed 2 Die with their leadership culled and majority of their members dead or detained.


Ran by an autocratic priesthood of devotees to Dagon for centuries, their prophets were heralded from the Box of Dagon. These prophets of Dagon were created by building a clone of someone who touched the box and using their darkest emotions and desires to create a new being devoted to the elder of the deeps. There would be one priest per cult headquarters, and when a new priest was chosen, their predacessor would be thrown into the sea to be fed to Dagon and his deep servants.   The organization was known to recruit sea hags, aboleths, sahaugin, merfolk, and corrupted humanoids.

Public Agenda

The Cult of Dagon seeks to restore Dagon to life by reassembling the creatures born from his destruction. The Heart of Dagon is a mighty kraken buried in a trench within the Bay of Gwenydd, the Eyes of Dagon are powerful sea hags, the minds of dagon are a pair of aboleths long lost to history, and the mouth of dagon is a Chuul that was found in the tunnels beneath Ynnsmouth.


The Cult had numerous agents throughout western Prima Terra including sea hag covens and Sahaugin colonies. They also used Dagon's power to control and corrupt krakens to serve their needs. The cult's most formidable priest, Saragos the Drowned, would patrol the Terrasic Ocean on a terrifying ghost ship.   The cult found their base in the mysterious town of Ynnsmouth,


Belived to be founded in the mythic age by those corrupted to follow Dagon, the destruction of the god led to this early cult being decimated in number. Throughout history, the cult has waxed and waned in number, sometimes succeeding in awakening aspects of Dagon to bring havoc to the material plane.   Legend holds the first avatar of the Daghda defeated a reborn Dagon and destroyed their cult. But by the second age this cult was active again, as the tale of St Daffydd states the patron of Gwenydd cast Baba Mara, the heart of dagon, apart and scattered into the bay of Gwenydd. It is likely around this time the Box of Dagon was lost by the cult, it would not appear again until the 980s when it washed up on the shores of Merendy Isle.   At some point after St Daffyyd defeated Baba Mara, the heart of Dagon, settlers in the border town of Ynnsmouth uncovered underground caverns and discovered artefacts of Dagon. Slowly the town was turned to serve Dagon, becoming an insular and inbred town of devotees that were shunned by their surrounding settlements. Ynnsmouth was partially destroyed when the cult was uncovered by the Eldrian Empire during the 40 year war. The Imperial Tumbrian Regiment had stumbled upon the dark rituals being undertaken and in horror began to burn the settlement down.   Long after the war, the Box of Dagon was stolen from the ARCAM vaults by an unsuspecting Azura. The wizard had accidently imprinted on the device before giving it to Captain Vand, who sold it on to a mysterious buyer that was later revealed to be an agent for the Cult. This led to the creation of Ebony, their dark clone, who became the new prophet of the cult and began to revive and reconstruct the organization.   The cult assaulted Mertion Hampton's ARCAM ship and destroyed it whilst searching for Azura. The ARCAM agents were lost at sea but Azura and their party managed to escape with the ARCAM agent Amy Cobblepott. The cult again tried to capture Azura when Saragos the Drowned attacked the docks at Ceannastra. It was here Ebony revealed herself, and was succesful in downing the party. Doomed 2 Die were only saved from the cult by Ivar Lothgarssen and Admiral O'Galloigh.


The destruction of the cult began after their failed attack in Ceannastra. Although Ebony managed to escape, their archpriest Saragos the Drowned was left behind. The priest was tortured and killed by Ivar Lothgarssen, being burnt alive at the stake at the Ceannastra docks. Doomed 2 Die used this information to hunt down Ebony and the remainder of the cult at Ynnsmouth, were they secured the help of inter-plane mercanary and troublemaker Fjandmar who betrayed the cult to aid the party.   By this point, the entirity of Ynnsmouth bar the Old Drunk had been turned to sea spawn due to their worship of Dagon. Whilst the party investigated the underground tunnels, they called in the Sun Elf Sailor the Endeavour which rained destruction on a reborn Baba Mara and the town with the aide of the Commonwealth's Terrasic fleet led by Admiral O'Galloigh.   Ebony herself was slain, reverting to their form as the box of Dagon. The Chuul known as the Mouth of Dagon was also slain at this time, marking the complete dissolution of the guild.

Rise from the Deep oh Great One

Dissolution Date
11th Harvestyme, 1052
Religious, Cult
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Appearances: 4
  • Session 6: Ghosts and Consquences
  • Session 23: The Commonwealth
  • Session 35: Ebony
  • Sesson 36: Shadow Over Ynnsmouth


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