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Arcane Retrieval, Collection, and Mitigation Department. ARCAM, also known as ARKAM or 'The Hunters' are an elite group of mages from the Miskatonic who hunt down rouge mages, dangerous artefacts, and powerful magical items to keep them sealed and protected from misuse. A deeply secretive and illusive organization, ARKAM are distrutful of others and held in contempt by many of their peers. Often misunderstood, ARKAM believe themselves to be a protective organization who keep magic out of the hands of those who would use it for evil.   In 1052, an ARCAM team led by Mertion Hampton were charged with hunting down Azura and retrieving the stolen Box of Dagon which the Wizard had taken from the Wyvern College vaults. Using Captain Vand as a lure, ARCAM captured Doomed 2 Die during the Fall of Oskunstrond only to be attacked by the Cult of Dagon whilst returning to The Commonwealth.  

Famous Members

Mertion Hampton: An arbitor of ARCAM tasked with finding Azura and theBox of Dagon   John Kommenian: A famous ARCAM member from the late 10th century who helped defeat Ucothah   Amy Cobblepott : Former ARCAM member who went rouge after the Battle of Ynnsmouth.


Due to its secretive and illusive nature, the exact structure of ARKAM is shrouded in mystery with only the most well connected people of Prima Terra knowing of its most basic details. The organization is roughly broken down into a few teams of operatives headed by a powerful mage known as an arbitor. These arbitors are free to recruit, with fellow arbitor's approval, and are given autonomy in their work to hunt for magical items. These arbitors all respond to an illusive Dean of Secrets.   Only Recruitment is done via a selection process. Talented mages and students are scouted by ARKAM arbitors, who will sometimes take these candiates on missions to test their skills, and if they meet the approval process they can be formally inducted into the organization, responding solely to their arbitor. When a member of these teams shows enough promise, they can be raised to this status as well.


ARKAM percieves magic as an inheritently dangeous and volatile tool. They are sceptical of their fellow mages, artificers, and spellcasters of all varieties until they are proven reliable and safe. They hold an immense distrust and suspicision of others and a kleptomanic obssession with collecting artefacts and magic items.

Public Agenda

ARKAM has one goal - to protect the world from wreckless magic. ARKAM appear where dangerous artefacts or magic users are present. More known to mages and the elites, they are respected but feared by most in these circles. Their devotion to investigating any magical misuse keeps most spellcasters who know of their existence scared enough to avoid magical crimes entirely. To the common citizen of Prima Terra, they are less known but respected for their work in removing dangerous artefacts and curses.


ARKAMs foundings are not truly known, but it is believed they date back to the early days of the Miskatonic. Some even suggest ARKAM was founded in secret by Miskaton himself. Others imply Mordenkainen founded them in the second age. Due to their secretive operations, key missions and events are largely unknown, so below are a few key known missions:   986, 3e: John Kommenian found the box of Dagon on Merendy Isle 991, 3e: John Kommenian and the parental problems posse uncover Ucothah's forces 992, 3e: ARKAM investigate the dissapearance of Vianola from Ceannastra 1051, 3e: ARKAM hunt down Wendall the goblin 1052, 3e: After capturing Azura, an ARKAM boat is attacked by the cult of Dagon.
Founding Date
Secret, Occult
Alternative Names
ARKAM, The Hunters
Parent Organization
Appearances: 8
  • Session 21: Divided We Fall
  • Session 22: Prisoners
  • Session 23: The Commonwealth
  • Session 32: Arbitration
  • Session 33: Auran
  • Session 36: Shadow Over Ynnsmouth
  • Session 68: Mad Mage's Mansion
  • Session 69: Arcane Masters


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