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A former member of theCult of Rangarok and master at avoiding death, Fjandmar is a mishcieveous trickster and master of disguise from Gehenna who often meddles in the affairs of mortals for coin, loot, and fun. Joining Doomed 2 Die to help fight Fisk and Hundvar, Fjandmar may seem uncaring, selfish, and hedonistic but behind his horns and presentation lies a loyal friend.   Formally beholden to his parents, Fjandmar was obliged to carry out extra-planular contracts and is seeking to destroy his family so he can be truly free. With their defeat and his ascent as 'king' fjandmar, he now rules one of the largest and most important interplanuar mercanary forces in the multiverse.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Fjandmar, as he is known by the residents of the material plane, is an inter-planular mischief maker and mercanary working for his Succubus mother and Ultraloth father from Gehenna. Little is known about this mysterious fiend, bar his eccentric personality and penchant for finding trouble. Fjandmar is currently looking for help in overthrowing his parents, so he is no longer bound to them.  

The Missing Arc

Fjandmar first appeared as a member of the Cult of Ragnarok, using his magics of disguise to lure people into the Skallen shanghai tunnels and use powerful enchantment magics to make them mine the location of the southern seal deep below Fargenvur. Nearly killing the four adventurers sent to stop him the first time, Fjandmar was forced to flee by the arrival of Jarl Oath-Knee, and joined the ship of the dead in the hidden tunnels to journey to the southern seal.   Briefly fighting the party aboard the ship, Fjadnmar teleported himself to the mines where the seal was located to ready the cult's defences. Meeting the party of adventurer's again, he was left for dead by the Arcanoloth Hundvar, but seemingly used his last act to rescue Torgier from falling debris. After waiting a whole day for his spells to return, Fjandmar teleported to his allies in Fiskvatn, the Temple of Loki, and sent a cryptic letter to his former enemies Doomed 2 Die, inviting them to the temple. Accepting the mysterious offer, Fjandmar promised to help the party defeat Fisk if they could beat him in a game of Grimsweaver.   Fjandmar did get his revenge on Hundvar, performing the finishing blow, and then teleporting away after an ominous message that they would meet again.  

The Dragon Clan Arc

Fjandmar appeared briefly in Fiskvatn at a party in disguise, and returned messages from Kliiks, expressing his annoyance that someone had killed Torgier before him.  

Dagon Arc

Although wanting to go after Red Hawk, Fjandmar was forced to work for the Cult of Dagon by his parents. Cocnerned about this cult's goals and finding them "generally creepy and squid obssessed," Fjandmar joined the party once more to destroy the cult and defeat Ebony. During this battle, Fjandmar and Ivar protected the party's rear from being attacked by Sahaugin and cultists whilst they went to defeat Ebony and stop the ritual being completed. After the fight, Fjandmar asked for their assitance to defeat his parents so he could join them in retaking Drekenheim.  

War of the Walls Arc

Unbeknowst to the party, Fjandmar was a frequently figther at the Kobolliseum in Jameleska, going by the name of "The Crimson King." Shan, Val and Azura fought with Fjandmar in the arena before he was sent back to Gehenna, asking them to not forget his offer.  

The Prodigal Fjandmar Arc

With Doomed 2 Die's arrival in Gehenna, Fjandmar told them to come to the Briar and Brimstone so they could meet. When the group finally arrived, Fjandmar was seen peforming cabaret. He told the party of his plans, and informed them the first step was to permanantly hide him from his parents scrying abilities using magic.   When the group returned with an artefact created by John Kommenian, Fjandmar was finally able to leave the tavern and help them with further missions. He next asked the adventurers with wiping his name from book of yugoloths, replacing his true name through a daring heist into the tower of the arcanoloths and to find a doppelganger named Clay   The cambion remained in the tavern, gaining a room from Doomed 2 Die in their penthouse suite, and was often found performing jazzerice and bathing with his imp familiar. Fjandmar helped organize Kaneis's dance, going with the group to rescue the bard Starry Hyles. During the dance, he partied with different members of the group and was seen trying to stir up drama to no avail, claiming they, "aren't fun anymore!"   Fjandmar did travel with the party to Hundvar's Tower, and with the help of the group infilitrated the Tower of the Arcanoloths and wiped his named from the ledger. After succeeding, Val was only able to see the letter 'T' on his new name and noticed his demenaour visibly change to more arrogant after his name was struck. He next tasked the group with finding allies for his battle.   He joined the party at the Yugoloth Collection Agency and journeyed with them into the Spawning Rift. In the fight with the Relentless Juggernaught, Fjandmar accidently released Lich King Gryllfagor from Azura's bag of holding whilst seraching for a healing potion, he was then thrown around the room before dunking the demilich back into the bag and falling on the floor.   With allies secured, Fjandmar revealed his final plan which he had done with the aide of Auran. The allied armies would attack the main gate, with Clay impersonating Fjandmar, whilst he, another companion, and the party would battle through his parent's keep and take them on. Three other companions would also be the 'distraction' team around the castle.   In the battle, Fjandmar was accompanied by the party and Falia Rayes whilst Ivar, Roach, and Auran provided a distraction. With the fight won, Fjandmar gave the finishing blow to his mother and took his father's crown, sitting on the throne and calling himself 'King Fjandmar.' He agreed to honour his deal with the party, but some in the group had trepiditions about how the Cambion would act now there was no one to hold him back.  

The Future

When Doomed 2 Die battled High Librarian Orisander at the Order of Labelas in Krakenpost they would be cast throughout time and space. Val would appear in the Abyss in the near future during the events of Ragnarok. Fjandmar was revealed to be present during this time, working with the god Loki. They confirmed they going to be involved in helping the party defeat Teng and was here to help Loki grant Val new powers to protect the timeline and secure their victory.  

Alternate Reality

In the alternate reality created by Primus where Doomed 2 Die never met, Fjandmar's mission in Lastlight went similarly but he seemed to have formed a closer bond with the group sent to stop him this time. Visibly upset by the deaths of the alternate versions of Killyn, Torgier, Torvak, and Naerfi Oath-Knee, Fjandmar swore revenge. Luna would reveal later that he killed fisk and destroyed his home, but was taken away by the Star Ranger Core and imprisoned on TASM-1968.

Gender Identity

Fjandmar, in their true form, presents as a male. Although their abilities for disguise and love of method acting mean they can appear as any gender.


Fjandmar is by far the horniest character in the whole multiverse, and is deeply attracted to troublemakers and strong fighters.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Being betrayed by the Cult of Ragnarok and having a mine droped on him
  • Losing at Grimsweaver to Torgier
  • Being assigned to the Cult of Dagon by his mother
  • Morality & Philosophy

    Fjandmar beleives in chaos and mayhem. Morality is something which barely concerns him, being focused on hedonism and fun other over people's feelings. Despite this outward attitude, Fjandmar seems to deeply care for some of the people he comes across, often defending them in combat or asking for their help.


    Hundvar †


    Towards Fjandmar




    Towards Hundvar †


    Torgier †

    Enemy (Important)

    Towards Fjandmar



    Paramour (Important)

    Towards Torgier †


    Status: Alive   First Appearance: Session 1, New Beginnings
    Chaotic Horny
    Circumstances of Birth
    Born of a power Succubus and Ultraloth, Fjandmar is rooted in the power of the lower planes.
    Platinum White
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "Torgy Boy!" Fjandmar when refering to Torgier   "What can I say, I'm a petty bitch?" Fjandmar offering to betray the Cult of Ragnarok   "Man they're all fucking fish people!" Fjandmar about Ynnsmouth   "Fjandmar likes them big titties." Fjandmar discussing Azura/Ebony
    Known Languages
    Common, Abyssal, Infernal, Elvish, Dwarvish, Gnomeish.
    Appearances: 28
    • Session 1: New Beginnings
    • Session 2: Torgy Boy
    • Session 3: This Ship Ain't Sinking
    • Session 4: The Southern Seal
    • Session 7: A Grim Weave
    • Session 9: Fall of Fisk
    • Session 13: Fire!
    • Session 18: Secrets and Stories (Voice Only)
    • Session 36: Shadow Over Ynnsmouth
    • Session 42: Missing in Action
    • Session 67: The Devil in Me
    • Session 68: Mad Mage's Mansion
    • Session 69: Arcane Masters
    • Session 70: The Orthon
    • Session 71: The Star Tunnnel
    • Session 72: The Whistler
    • Session 73: Corriegrave
    • Session 74: Starry Hyles
    • Session 75: The Dance Episode
    • Session 76: Clay
    • Session 77: Pirates of the Corpse Sea
    • Session 78: Tower of the Arcanoloths
    • Session 79: Mystery of the Rift
    • Sesion 80: Pyramid of Loviatar
    • Session 81: Into the Breach
    • Session 82: King Fjandmar
    • Session 83: The Clockwork God (Alternate Reality)
    • Session 128: Temple of the Forgotten Gods


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